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Nov 2, 2015 at 8:56 AM
Jan 28, 2008
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Ancient, from gooby pls

Senior Member
TexturedSun was last seen:
Nov 2, 2015
    1. Eightball
      7:02 am boomerdude: horrible girls behind me in class... how can you date someone and not remember their name.... just awful
      7:16 am ♥ Sky: ***** slap them all into place
      7:53 am TexturedSun: have a wank and then *** in their faces
      7:53 am TexturedSun: that'll teach them
      7:54 am ♥ Sky: good god tex
      9:45 am TexturedSun: *takes a bow*

      That was ****ing hilarious. Bravo, good sir.
    2. Stevo
      Tell matty to re-read my story thing!
    3. Stevo
      I wasn't so bothered with the **** buddy thing, until she said I can't stay at hers anymore after I'd told my landlord I was moving out (and I couldn't go back on it after I'd said that). Basically, she didn't want me stopping at her's for even a few days because it meant her other fellas would be suspicious that they couldn't come round anymore, so she was basically making me homeless.......

      I kicked off major at her, had her in tears and everything and the last thing she said to me like 4 hours ago was she's getting off the bus at the next stop and jumping off a motorway bridge in front of a lorry... What a tit -_-

      All she had to do was let me stay for like a few nights if I got the job, it didn't even matter if I didn't... but she had to be a selfish **** about it. So, I went major **** on her arse and yeah, I just don't love her at all anymore. She's a waste of space.
    4. Stevo
      Meh, I won't be letting her in anymore...
      I'm too good for her in that sense now. I'm crap at pulling birds though, so it's either, **** buddy with her, or no sex until I find another lass that actually sticks around with me, but that means I'll have to be in a relationship again and I dunno if that's such a wise idea...
    5. Stevo
      Haha, no. She's from Manchester. I could at any point though, it just depends when I go through to Manchester.
      I'm also still ****ing Chelsea. It's awkward. I think all she wants is a **** buddy, but she goes about it all the wrong way and starts saying she wants this that and the other with me... So I just said to her straight this morning, if a **** buddy is all she wants, I'm fine with that because I'd rather that than have the complete **** about of a relationship she keeps creating, plus, I can see who I like at the same time so... I'm getting laid, and I can find some other girl who isn't going to be a bell end.

      Win/win at the minute.
      I just highly expect her to realise what I mean when I say I'm seeing someone else, and I'd imagine she'll kick off with me about it, simply because she expects me to be faithful to her but wants to go around screwing whatever she can :|
    6. Stevo
      Yes. It's everything you've said today.

      You are my idol!
    7. Stevo
      Hahahahaha <3
    8. Matty
    9. Matty
      tokyo jungle became awesome as soon as they revealed the Gazelle with running shoes

      it's interesting how much of a 3d environment the game shows, because it's a lot like what we discussed, but it has the inherent issue i think i brought up that you get in that zombie one, where you have to create really open environments in the axis of depth (like roads that go from the horizon to the screen, or large plazas) but the player would move linearly through them, avoiding most of the area. Movement is 3 dimensional in this game but i wonder if the levels are too, because the camera doesn't change orientation very much at all.
    10. BasedGod of Grunge
      BasedGod of Grunge
      **** you TexturedSun IMDABES
    11. Epic Tusk
      Epic Tusk
      No, sadly it's not Wii60. Its God of Grunge.
    12. BasedGod of Grunge
    13. Matty
      hey man, skype
    14. Stevo
      I can make girls scream rainbow.
    15. Stevo
      Also, you should re-read those steps and envision me doing them like they do in Oceans 11 / Shaun of the dead. Always finish each step with me doing a cheesey smile with a thumbs up sign... bitches love getting a thumb up.
    16. Stevo
      If I become a rich ****, I may also buy something that could blow you out the water... y'know, because you have a bigger **** than me and I'd need to emphasise that it's not the size that counts, it's how fast your drive is ;)
    17. Matty
      yo skype
    18. Stevo
      ***** said my message was too long... continued.

      5. Move back into my mum's (gotta start somewhere) and claim the bottom floor as my own again. Urinate on walls to mark territory. Give middle finger where appropriate. Possibly growl at the cat.
      6. Start new job in Leeds like a boss. Earn money. **** bitches. Be happy.
      7. ????? Time passes
      8. Debts paid off. Profit made.
      9. Purchase GT-86
      10. Challenge you to a race around a track like a baws.
    19. Stevo
      I have a life plan that I'm setting in motion. The next few weeks are the hardest... there's also some luck involved but:
      1. Apply for new jobs with current qualifications in the field of Wintel. Note, pay is almost double, so I'll be rolling in bitches and cash.
      2. Revise like **** for the exam due towards the end of this month, if I'm ready, smash the exam and take first place in being the awesome new me. This will increase chance of receiving job interview
      3. Complete corporate crap that I have to do to complete my apprenticeship. Listen to music while doing so and when possible, raise a middle finger to the cunts in the office I will no longer have anything to do with.
      4. Once interview has been obtained. SWAT up on the company. Pop some heads, impress the bitches. Roll on home a newly employed man.
    20. Matty
      yeah why are you so bitter? and skype?
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