Last Activity:
Feb 13, 2022 at 4:07 PM
Jul 1, 2011
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Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:
Groningen, Netherlands

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BIOC, Male, from Groningen, Netherlands

Forge Critic Senior Member

I finally have Halo 5! Man, this Forge is confusing. But boy am I looking forward to all the things I'm planning to make! Dec 24, 2015

REMkings was last seen:
Feb 13, 2022
    1. Loscocco
    2. Loscocco
      I'm currently capturing, but the film you gave me is laggy as hell :S
      After round 1 finished, frames were constantly skipping and it isn't the capture card.
    3. REMkings
      To anyone reading this, I'll be gone for the rest of the week in connection with my introduction week of university. I'll be back by Sunday!
    4. Minion
      wait, what!? I couldn't even find the sign ups... Where was it :/
    5. Loscocco
      Hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm back at home with my capture card set up :)
    6. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Giant post on Aihab
      Thank you so much; it means a lot. :']
    7. Minion
      lol, like is there even a sign up thread?
    8. Minion
      what's happening with the sign ups this week???
    9. PA1NTS
      That's a pretty good idea. Thanks :)
    10. Elliot
      WTF happened to this weeks sign ups?
    11. Redy
      Rem!!! Same time as the last sunday, but today (saturday), if you can apper it would be awesome thanks! ;)
    12. PA1NTS
      If the database is only for maps that have been fully tested and improved, then we need to remove some maps from the database too. I'll make a add/remove list and post it in the thread.
    13. Yellow Sausage
      Yellow Sausage
      About BIOC I'll only be able to play about 1 hour of the lobby Because I got football training D: Thanks!
    14. atomic321
      Cheers, when will you be on? I'm kinda limited with time today! :(
    15. atomic321
      Hey, REMkings!
      Just wondered if you could help playtest a map, its for Mr Pokephile's TPC5, and I'm struggling to find people to play it. :( Your help would be great!
    16. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      Co-forging will be allowed and I would actually like to keep the details under wraps for the time being but I will say that it will not be a repeat of HotD II.
    17. PA1NTS
      Actually, I havent made an infection map since Heights. So I guess Ill start one now. Ha ha. Dont worry, you know I forge fast.
    18. PA1NTS
      Your private messaging inbox is full, so I'll put this here.

      Hey man, could you do me a huge favour? Can you nominate Lone Souls in a Lost Mine for the next FHF? I already have a couple of nominations so if I can get a few more, I'll probably get in the voting list! :D
      Thanks in advance!
      You already have enough nominations to make it to voting. Plus, I won't nominate your map, because you advertised it, in a message, twice now. Trust me don't promote your map like this, I got in big trouble for it once and I learned my lesson. Just don't advertise voting or even nominating. People will vote for it if they want.
    19. Redy
      ILL be ONLINE at 8:00 a.m BET tomorrow/today SUNDAY depending on when you're reading this. Anyway, if you could get in, it would be awesome! Thanks ^_^

    20. Redy
      Here's my Sig:


      ;D I think it needs something Linked in too. Probably in the main group page as the calssic one. By the way, feel free to do whatever you want! ^_^
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Groningen, Netherlands
    REMkings is the xbox account used by the brothers R, E and M.
    I am R, the oldest one, and I'm the one to mostly play Halo and forge stuff and I'm also the owner of this ForgeHub account.

    I'm one of the BIOC staff members, so if you have any questions, feel free to leave me a VM down below. I'm always up for just some casual chitchatting as well so don't be afraid to contact me.
    And in case you were wondering, yes I am that guy called Meesterlijker from YouTube. :p

    Drawing, Sports (Track & Field), Watching Movies, LOTR, and of course Forging are interests of mine.



    My Infection maps:
    Lone Souls in a Lost Mine (FHF) | Deadborough (FHF) | Favela Run (3rd place in HotD3)

    My Flood maps:
    Destitute in Chains (Featured | 2nd place in Insanmiac's BotD) | 8 O'Clock Reminiscence (FHF) | When Running Fails (preview) | Favela Vengeance (preview) | Far from Eden (preview)

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