Rorak Kuroda
Last Activity:
7y 47w ago
Sep 6, 2009
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May 17, 1995 (Age: 29)
New Mexico

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Rorak Kuroda

Up All Night, from New Mexico

Forge Critic Senior Member
Rorak Kuroda was last seen:
Apr 15, 2017
    1. Organite
      Thanks brah.
    2. RightSideTheory
    3. Organite
      Kuda, I need to train if I expect to make it past round one.
      You said that squaring off against someone better than you is good learning experience and I know no one who can pwn me better than you :]
    4. ThrowinDemBows
    5. chrstphrbrnnn
      FiM leaked :(

      Mane6 - MLP: Fighting is Magic: LEAKWATCH: DAY TWO: The Calming
    6. Eightball
      300 Violin Orchestra-Jorge Quintero - YouTube
    7. WAR
      NIN fan?! yes...yes...yes. I've been listening to his soundtrack work while I was forging this past month
    8. Skisma
    9. Psychoduck
      I believe you showed me a Puscifer song once, and that I didn't quite catch on to it. Still, I'd be interested to look at them again. I love Muse, but their songs tend to resonate with me only on the level of how they sound, and not so much lyrically. I am certainly looking forward to The 2nd Law quite a bit though. I'm guessing you've got your calendar marked for that?

      And I wouldn't quite say the article filled a gap for me. I've always viewed death as inevitable, and as @the end", but also as something that I won't experience. Thinking of it as more of a comma than a full stop is intrigueing. If my thoughts are somehow continued after my mind and body "die", I'm sure I will be rather happy. If they do not, I will have no capacity to be unhappy about it.
    10. Eightball
      Awesome, will do.
    11. Psychoduck
      I loved The Downward Spiral (and still do), then I listened to The Fragile and loved it more (and still do), then I listened to With Teeth. How could it possibly be better than the first two albums I had listened to? it couldn't, just as the second album couldn't have been better than the first. Now, I've realized that With Teeth is my favorite of the three. I am continually amazed by just how much NIN resonates with me.

      Also, I just now finished reading that article (it takes me a while to read given how poor my eyes are) and I feel like the time I spent reading it was time well-spent. Some of the concepts are so simple, and yet I still feel that i don't fully understand any of them, and perhaps I never will. My outlook on death still remains unchanged: I will not be there to experience it, for I will be gone. This article has served to broaden my mind on the subject though, and I have found it deeply enlightening.
    12. Psychoduck
      Those two along with "Right Where it Belongs" are on "With Teeth". It's a fantastic album.
    13. Psychoduck
      Ah, so you've already heard it. I believe "Beside you in Time", and "Every day is Exactly the Same" touch on some similar themes, although to a lesser extent.
    14. Psychoduck
      Nine Inch Nails - Right Where It Belongs - YouTube

      Listen to the lyrics. There's some others with similar themes if you're interested.
    15. Eightball
      dadasdfga..I missed your VM. I can come online tonight, if you're dooooooown. :P
    16. AceOfSpades
      Don't you talk back to me like that mister
    17. Eightball
      I'll probably tell you.
    18. Eightball
      Aww, Kuda. I miss you too. :P

      I have a new GT, and I'd be glad to add you on XBL again.

      I went on vacay and just deleted errbody. Don't ask.
    19. Elite Warrior5
      Elite Warrior5
      You have the best avatar I've ever seen.
    20. chrstphrbrnnn
      you gon get on?