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Mar 25, 2021 at 2:07 PM
Jan 20, 2011
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Forerunner, from Texas

Senior Member
RoboArtist was last seen:
Mar 25, 2021
    1. thesilencebroken
      Well then, I shall hit you up around the time the game comes out and we'll talk more about it then. Where are you from? I want to make sure the codes work everywhere.
    2. Behemoth
      Thank for your help Bro. I got a test this morning and it's coming along wonderfully. I posted a preview.
    3. Oli The G
      Oli The G
      Eh, haters gonna hate. Nearly all the time it's because they are jealous. I edit it well, and they want me to be put effort into my things. They change the subject so they can continue with the hate. I honestly don't care. Everybody else seems to like it, so they can frankly go do one.

      I'm not changing the videos that I do. :D
    4. PA1NTS
      So, BS Angel likes your map? WTF She usually only posts shitty maps? Here's the link bro, your famous. CrossWalk - A Halo: Reach Map
    5. Oli The G
      Oli The G
      If I were you I would check the 343i homepage at some point. It's a pretty cool gai.
    6. Dobam
      NO !!!!!!!
    7. WAR
      Thanks dude...appreciated the nom too. It got the ball rolling for me
    8. a Chunk
      a Chunk
      Thanks, man. I appreciate it.
    9. cluckinho
    10. Skisma
      Thanks man;)
    11. Oli The G
      Oli The G
      It's coming along just fine. I've done some capturing, the PVR is on loan to my buddy for a day or two so he can do some recordings. All the introduction is done, and with it all the overviews of the map. I haven't been editing it 24/7 like my other videos because of my other video work that is ongoing, (Kingdom of THE SKYYYYYYYYYY!) but i'm really happy with how its going. I've also been experimenting with the placeholder timings to give the middle part more of an edited structure, rather than the random clips i've been doing.

      It will be fine though. Should be out this week. No promises though ;)
    12. pyro
      You have to save it to photobucket or something and use normal img tags.
    13. pyro
      I like your style so I thought I'd help you out by running a little program i have on your sig.
    14. Shik
      What comment? On facebook ? no i see it
    15. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      And I shall. And what would you consider your fields of expertise?
    16. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      As of right now, we're deciding between UDK, Cryengine 3, and Unity.
    17. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      Well it's primarily still in the concept phase but at the moment I'm mostly assembling a team for the production of this.
    18. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      Would you be interested in working on a game with a few other people, including myself?
    19. Shik
      no, I didn't start work. the system is ****ing up my application over and over. I will start soon, but I owe my mom 500 dollars for my phone bill for monthsss. After I pay that in like the first 2 paychecks I will.
    20. REMkings
      My friends list is full but if you can add the gamertag "BIOC 1", I'll invite you to my lobbies sometime. :)
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    i liek 2 forj :)