Haha no problem man! If you want to test narrows, throw me an invite some time. gt: basketskate3 Also, you're replying on your own profile, so I have to come by here to see it. To reply to me directly, click view conversation under this comment and reply from there :)
Oh thank you! I wish it was at the quality of Narrows but hopefully I'll get a few looks for the 1v1! :)
I'm not much of a 1 v. 1 tester. Contact Auburn in the TG, he has done a really good job with the TG maps he has tested. Just remember that there is no guarantee that they will be tested, as we are very short on members.
Hi there Steve. The best bet would be for you to post your map either here or as a new thread here (prefixed as a Map Preview). You might also consider applying to have your map/s tested through the Tester's Guild. Best of luck!