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Feb 13, 2018 at 7:54 AM
Nov 25, 2008
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Legendary, from Fall Amy, Fly

Forge Critic Senior Member
RightSideTheory was last seen:
Feb 13, 2018
    1. Icecikle
      wait...you know its a cat right?
    2. Icecikle
      lol, that was literally my least fav one. You can have it if you want it, but really I finished it and was like "blegh why did I think this would look good?"
    3. SecretSchnitzel
      Dude, if I go AWOL tonight as my buddy wants me to join him for drinking, mind stepping up and taking my TGIF? So far no one has messaged me to join, so I'm feeling it's gonna be a bust. :(
      Don't want to waste my night ya know.
    4. Stevo
      I'm back.

      Sup sugar plum?
    5. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Haha, it's no problem.
    6. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      So that people don't get too jelly.
    7. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      It was supposed to say "In Rainbows," with the Rainbow part colored, but apparently it hit the character limit, and while shock could change the character limit, it was already hard enough to convince him to give it to me. And I can only have it for a month or so. But I do like it nonetheless.
    8. Noxiw
      Yeah definitely. Very thought out response. :)
    9. Skisma
      First off, idk who told you about that but I'll have you know it was rapidly reversed (seriously not even 5 minutes), even though that's not your business. Second, don't call me out on my profile, PM me. Ive taken offense to this so unfortunately I'm going to have to infract you for insulting. Lol Jk.
    10. Bloo Jay
    11. Organite
      I don't follow, Mista Whitcha.
    12. Organite
      Meh, I feel like I've been way to hard on Shock lately.
      He has proven himself to be fervently devoted to FH.
      He just needs to work on who he trusts to keep things running around here.
    13. Noxiw
      Well thanks. :)

      I didn't take it personally by any means, and I definitely stand by the "to each their own" saying. Thanks for understanding, if only more people would put those thoughts forward.

      Again, I wasn't offended at all, but thanks for this message. :)
    14. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      The Bronies who enjoy fighting against "haters" are the people who feel like they have something to prove. And they do; they have to show their total, unreasonable, and undying support for the show in order to maitain their "rightful" place at the crest of the fad. They take it way too far; they are the extremists, and unfortunantly, they are the loudest.

      These kids will be the first ones to disappear when the limelight fades.

      Also, in my original post, I had said Batman, but I changed it to Spider Man once I realized you were using a Batman avatar. So, called it. :P
    15. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo

      Why on earth would you be sorry if your logic is sound and you believe you're being reasonable? That's all I could ever ask for. :P

      While I won't even attempt to argue that the show has avoided becoming a fad, you're putting too much emphasis on the word. When "Brony" eventually loses its limelight and falls out of the "mainstream," the fad-chasers will be off and on their way, leaving behind the true fans, who are currently horrifically misrepresented. When dubstep became a fad, the same happened to its original supporters: they were overshadowed by the rolling waves of pop culture kids who cared about nothing more than being a part of what was "in." Most of them don't even understand the genre, and would have scowled upon it only weeks prior to its sudden increase in popularity. A fandom will not die off just because it has been stripped of it's position on the stage, because the true fans (of which in MLP's case there are PLENTY) will follow it wherever it goes.
    16. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo

      Your next point involves a common misconception which I detest vehemently. Suggesting that bestiality is an unremarkable and entirely natural progression from simply enjoying the television show or taking part in the fandom is horribly misguided. If one truly enjoys bestiality (being a fetishist myself, I am in no place to judge others for their particular preferences), I highly doubt that the show is what got them there in the first place. You seem to be putting a lot of emphasis on this sect of the fandom, when truthfully, it makes up only a rather small percentage.


      I feel like the term "wasting their time" is a rather harsh assumption about Brony artists.
    17. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      P3 (cont)

      If a fan of the show is all of a sudden gripped by the desire to write about, sing about, or draw the characters, why shouldn't he or she go for it? Being an artist yourself, if you came across a sudden outlet of inspiration based on a creative, and absolutely incredible idea regarding Spider Man (be it a drawing, song, animation, short story, whatever), would you force yourself to attempt to apply it elsewhere? It's not like all fanfictions (that's just me grabbing a random medium as an example; many could apply) could easily be slapped into a new universe; many are custom made for the show and it's wonderful characters and settings. In the end, it's all based on what the artist wants to and enjoys doing, because when it's nonprofit (and it usually is in the online media world), what's the point of forcing yourself to create something you don't necessarily want to create? How are you wasting your time if you're creating and doing exactly what you want to and enjoy?
    18. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Sorry if it just seemed like I was attacking you because you didn't like the show.

      If you don't understand it, um, I'd be happy to try and explain it if you want, lol?

      I dunno, you said you didn't understand it, and you seem like you can be pretty reasonable when you get down to it. :3
    19. Benji
      I do what I can
    20. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Mexico was okay, but we went with a big group of grads from around my city and yeah. Basically the entire week was ~300 kids trying to get wasted till they puke every night. I didn't do that ****, seems so stupid.

      But Mexico sucks. I got sick close to the last day and then yeah, since I'm sick my ears don't pop easy because everything in my head is clogged. Not fun, especially when you can't blow your nose or do anything without a sharp pain in both ears.
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