Nov 7, 2011
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Forerunner, from Canada

Forge Critic Senior Member

The good ol' frog hub. Mar 12, 2015

    1. MacoroniMayorTOFU
      I can help you with your capture card.
    2. Elliot
      Go post your template for Round 10 here!
    3. WAR
      use this as the direct link to the sovereign map in your file share:
      File Browser Halo Official Site
    4. REMkings
      So did you actually host your lobby? I need to have a list of the played maps for the recap thread ;)
    5. REMkings
      How did ya lobby go? :)
    6. Dobam
      I still have the map and we can spawn without any problems !
    7. iFamousFilms
    8. Noooooch
      Yeah, I totally get blocking it off in some areas so players won't be able to cycle through the rooms so quickly. That's a great idea. You could technically still do it though, both in your map and the variant I created, by doing those awkward jumps. If you just added some brace larges 1 area, to make the jump farther then players would be able to shuffle into 2 or 3 rooms, but not all the way.

      Glad I could help.
    9. Noooooch


      Here you go. I deleted a few brace larges near the middle of the map to connect the walkways together. FYI, you can do this in all four rooms but I would only do this in the Sniper and/or CPU room so that there is a hard route to either of them.
    10. REMkings
      Sure, I'd love to help. :D
    11. REMkings
      Not on the xbox, my brother is on. I'll get only in 2 hours or so.
      But I am around on ForgeHub right now, indeed. :)
    12. REMkings
      Alright. Otherwise just contact the creator if you want.
    13. MockKnizzle008
      Haha alright, should be interesting... I think you might be very close to if not the very first person to actually play infection on that version of Metropolis (v1.5, hopefully), so I'm crossing my fingers that everything works correctly!
    14. REMkings
      Jordy, I have a request. Can you test AP: Empty Streets in your next BIOC lobby. I was originall going to test it but I found I probably have waaay too many maps in my schedule to ever get around to it, and I already had to disappoint the creator last time that I couldn't test it, so I don't want to have to do that again. I offered to test it for him, because the map looks really good and could potentially end up in our database if it proves to be worthy. Please let me know if what you think, and if you want to do it.
    15. REMkings
      For your next lobby, it could be helpful to invite people from the BIOC 1 friends list if you can't get a full lobby in the beginning. I'm sure most of them will join you.
    16. REMkings
      Your feedback was actually really helpful. More than anybody else. You seem to know alot about infection, and problems on my own map that I didn't even see. Mind you, that was only like the second test on Act 2 anyway. I think you can help me with critique on my maps, because I know I am a good forger, I make everything LOOK nice, you just need to help me make them PLAY nice. Thanks.
      lol that's what we have Berb for. He takes things to the next level :)
      He really knows how to put it in words, too. I really wish my English was better because sometimes my feedback on maps can sound simple, but it can be hard for me to put my thoughts into clear or nicely sounding words. :P
    17. REMkings
      Please check out our new recapping thread and leave your feedback after you read the text! :)
    18. REMkings
      Please post your template if you're going to host, and post a reaction if you're not!!
    19. REMkings
      How did your lobby go?
    20. Pegasi
      Continuing this here because there's no point us doing it in the thread anymore, it's just clogging it up:

      That wasn't a debate though. It was a one sided novel. Contradicting everything I said. I simply don't need that. I came to this site to find people who can help with halo. That is not what I got. I got someone with too much authority and too much time on their hands to actually teach me something in a mild mannered way.
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    Waterworks Maintenence Worker
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