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3y 3w ago
Jul 1, 2011
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Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
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Groningen, Netherlands

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BIOC, Male, from Groningen, Netherlands

Forge Critic Senior Member

I finally have Halo 5! Man, this Forge is confusing. But boy am I looking forward to all the things I'm planning to make! Dec 24, 2015

REMkings was last seen:
Feb 13, 2022
    1. Minion
      can you go on xbox?
    2. Loscocco
      And yes, I like infection, and I have my Xbox and mic on me. I just left my cap card at home.
    3. Loscocco
      I would be happy to capture your footage, but I'm currently at a summer program for my school and won't be back home until around August 13 or so. At that time, I can upload anything you need.
    4. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      the windows point to the sky so the Xbox don't have to really load anything that's what makes my map unique and no lag for windows to point to the mountains and the landscape and details in the distance is what causes lag
    5. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      no i have played a full lobby and never experienced lag or heard complaints of lag
    6. Redy
      Thanks a lot for understanding bro, hope we can see in Live pretty soon.
    7. Minion
      I just posted skyline terrors! Please go check it out!
    8. Zigywig
      Pretty weird reason IMO. I'm sure they were cut off by now.
    9. Redy
      I know that sundays is a bad day for me because of my family, but I'm always trying to appear :( Since I'm on vacation I have one more week to play with you, today we couldnt work on the temple. So yeah, I'm really Guilty by my time for it right now. Tomorrow is my Aunts anniversary so I'll lunch in their house with my all family. I believe that due to these various things I have to manage my own bioc lobbys in the future. Or pass the start time for the morning, but it isnt a good idea.

      I dont think if I choose the right group, since I never have time to attend in lobbys or post recaps by the way. :/

      Usually my family tends to stay all afternoon in my aunts house, so I cant say to my all family that I need to lunch and get back to home quickly to play video game. Anyway, I'll talk to you in skype.
    10. Zigywig
      Could not agree more.
    11. Zigywig

      Anyways, here's your chick.

    12. Zigywig

      The internet is one strange place.
    13. Zigywig
      Could you still show me a fansite just a proof, because I doubt someone would want to make a fansite dedicated to a 14-year old girl :P
    14. Minion
      hey man, not sure if you noticed but on the second page of the new sign up thread someones map needs testing, but it uses the team slayer gt...
    15. ArmadillosTHFC
      kl. ill be aroun=d from 8-10 GMT. ill probs stay for an hour and then get forging. idk
    16. MacoroniMayorTOFU
      I make new threads, because I want every challenge to have it's own thread.
    17. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      yea i hope you like it
    18. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      hey REMking did u see my new map i posted
    19. Zigywig
      Eh, fansites aren't really my thing. Considering that I have opportunities to be close to her just creeps me out.
    20. Zigywig
      I just find them on Google Images. I don't see how you can't find them. Maybe the Netherlands censored some pics ;)


      I hate it when people confuse "beautiful" with "hot". It really rustles my jimmies.