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Apr 18, 2012 at 1:17 PM
Jan 16, 2012
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Forerunner, from Portsmouth, England

GPXtreme was last seen:
Apr 18, 2012
    1. REMkings
      Hey, if you have any feedback for the journey map on Ridgeline we tested yesterday, could you please leave it here? Thanks in advance!
    2. REMkings
      2. Spartan Laser and Warthog are easy to get for elites as well.
      Just a little thing you should probably change.

      3. Fireteams. If you didn't use them, read this. Read it anyway, it's a very helpful guide. The Halo Wheelmen are experts at anything Invasion.
      In general, using different fireteams makes Invasion games perform a lot better and makes it a lot more teamwork focussed.

      Okay I hope this helped you!
    3. REMkings
      Here's some feedback for your invasion map. :)

      1. The objectives in the first two phases are too far apart.
      Right now, it's almost impossible to defend them once you're killed as a spartan. By the time you respawn, there will already be a lot of seconds stolen away from the objective, making it a lot harder to defend it again.
      By the time these two phases take all together, you can also tell that they're too easy to capture.
      The best way to go far, is to have a length of one sprint in between them, making it possible for spartans to defend the other one when it's being breached, but not too easy. Also, remove a lot of the cover. Right now , the only way to defend the objectives in both first and second phase is to move up very close and get in the actual objective, because throwing grenades proved not to work. So remove some of the cover, put them closer to each other and make the spawns a little closer (for both spartans and humans)
    4. REMkings
      Hey man, if you're interested in BIOC (Infection Customs), you should check out this announcement for more information, and consider joining our group.
      Also, if you want to sign up for the newest round, which will take place next week, then check out the new sign up thread asap!
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  • About

    Portsmouth, England
    I am GPXtreme and I forge mostly Slayer, Infection and Invasion maps on Halo: Reach.

    Gary Numan, Halo, The Colour Purple