Loco Little
Last Activity:
Aug 27, 2012 at 7:20 AM
Jul 5, 2012
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Loco Little

Promethean, from London

Loco Little was last seen:
Aug 27, 2012
    1. REMkings
      Please check out our new recapping thread and leave your feedback after you read the text! :)
    2. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Sure thing, we could always use some new blood in the TG. I'll try to invite you for testing lobbies if you are on and we are in one. You are also in luck right now: Because of the 1 v 1 Contest there are several 1 v 1 maps in the TG right now, easier for you to test with less people. Good luck and welcome to the Guild!
    3. Waterfall
      Hello I see you are new here.i want to be the not so first man to welcome you to my humble abode of 4chubness.do you forge a lot or are you a customs games guy?what kind of maps do you like?
    4. FrozenGoathead
      Your bio has an awkward cutoff at

      it was only when I looked at this site recently that
      just saying.

      Anyways, hello and welcome to Forge Hub.
    5. Loco Little
      Loco Little
      Read my bio for more knowledge of what I'm about
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  • About

    Loco Little
    Hey, My name's Thomas I plan to become quite the influential person here on Forgehub, whether it be through hosting of custom games or map making and reviewing, I'll join in and hopefully wow you all, I aim to impress, so kindly watch this space :)

    The many flavours of pie.


    The more sand that has escaped from the hourglass of our life, the clearer we should see through it.