Shock Theta
Last Activity:
Jan 17, 2019 at 6:54 AM
Dec 3, 2007
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London, UK

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Shock Theta

Father of 4chub, from London, UK

Forge Critic Senior Member
Shock Theta was last seen:
Jan 17, 2019
    1. Pegasi
      Hey dude, do you know how I'd go about unsubbing from journo calendar reminders? I'm still signed up for TGIF email reminders, but no longer have the perms to visit the page where I unsub.
    2. pyro
      Can you make an announcement somewhere that recent screenshots are back up.
    3. Wakko45
      I'm lost in this new aged jungle!
    4. Sgt Surchin
    5. SpeedBird21

      My gamer tag is SpeedBird21 (I'm an airline pilot hence the gamertag). :) I have two maps that need a little tweaking for 1v1 challenge on my file share (New Meca and Vapor Lock v3.1). How do I create a thread so people can download it, or basically how do I get my map name out there so people can offer advice for improvement?
      Steve Robbins
    6. RightSideTheory
      Sounds like a plan.
    7. RightSideTheory
      Skype? I've got one of those annoying "hey, I think we should do this" pitches I'm sure you hate.

    8. Redy
      And about the gif avatars? is It still as always? I'm glad to know that you are still keeping them anyway...
    9. Monolith
      As Goathead as said before, thanks for your patience..
    10. Monolith
      Can't you increase it just 10-15 pixels? It may be a good "norm" and people can make plenty of good sigs with 140x600 but it often denies effects like shadowing, glow, and other "outside the box" things.. I really think this is being unnecessarily nitpicky. Take a look here, we're a gaming site meant for (mostly) kids who (in all likelihood) probably don't place much value on browsing convenience...

      The biggest issue I have with the decision, in all honesty, is the fact that it doesn't seem to recognize what sigs are to some people: art! It's all about the convenience for members, I can see that, and this forum isn't focused on "art," I can see that too, but the G&A section has been going downhill for a long time and I can't see this change as much of a booster for (especially) sig shop people like me..

      A) Add like 10-15 pixels, lengthwise
      If not A then:
      B) Could you take a poll for this to see what the forum at large thinks?
    11. Redy
      I noticed some people with Gif signatures yet. That's possible to have those now?
    12. FrozenGoathead
      Cheers for the compromise, I like it way better this way.

      Also, I don't see how you haven't inflicted infractions yet, srs respect for patience.
    13. Monolith
      Can you view this, please? A reply would be nice too :p
    14. Pegasi
      Ah fair enough, makes sense. Cheers, dude.
    15. Pegasi
      Hey dude, the image in my sig is getting a reduced size bar despite only being 300px tall. Am I going crazy or is my browser sketching out or something?
    16. CHUCK
      Some threads look a complete disgrace for both guests and members, and it's largely the fault of image sigs. Chuck's is a case in point.

    17. Berb
      You weren't actually being serious about taking down signatures were you?
    18. Sgt Surchin
      Sgt Surchin
      I'm really sorry about the last TGIF... I had a personal emergency and had obligations elsewhere at the time.
    19. pyro
      Since Bungie dropped support for Halo 3 along with reach to the best of my knowledge and 343 has only picked up Reach shouldn't the H3 custom content forums be closed?
    20. Grif otaged
      Grif otaged
      Awesome, Thanks!
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    London, UK
    Shock Theta
    Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is perhaps the most famous Auror of modern times, single-handedly responsible for capturing numerous wizard criminals. He is also said never to have killed his quarry - even when permitted to do so - unless he had no other choice. Moody's face is badly scarred and he has lost several body parts, including his left eye, right lower leg and part of his nose whilst fighting Dark wizards.