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Guardian, Male

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chrstphrbrnnn was last seen:
Sep 20, 2022
    1. timmypanic
      Could you please give an update or results on the wonders of the world II competition you made please, I have asked a number of times on original thread but it seems some members wish this competition to be forgotten.
    2. thesilencebroken
      I was just trying to make sure you got the fact that it wasn't anywhere near perfect. haha. It captures some elements perfectly, while it continues similar flaws of every other game like it.
    3. thesilencebroken
      It's not mind-blowing. The story is just okay, the side missions are repetitive as hell. Overall though, it's the best damn spiderman game they've ever come out with. Alot like spiderman 2, only a **** ton better.
    4. CNDG Brittany
      CNDG Brittany
      diablo sucks. period.
    5. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      Cool, maybe I'll see you on tomorrow. I'm rolling a barbarian right now on nightmare.
    6. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      sweet, when do you usually play? Also anyone else that plays I might know of? Shad0w?
    7. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      what is your name on D3 so we can play together and stuffs
    8. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle is my address if you want to add me
    9. rusty eagle
      rusty eagle
      I'm playing now
    10. iDieAgaain
      This website has changed so much...
      New layout
      New members
      More ponies...

      wait... what?







      You probably thought I was gonna rage, didn't you? XD
    11. rusty eagle
    12. Pegasi
      Ouch, 3 years is a commitment. Your logic is sound, battery is killer. As for quad cores, as I understand its not that they're inherently worse, but that the main quad core CPUs right now use outdated architectures compared to the better duals. But still, I hear the S3 chip is nicer than the One X, probably more of a worthy investment for 3 years.
    13. Pegasi
      Yeah stock Android is a really nice experience, I'm not a TouchWiz fan at all either, despite loving my Samsungs. I will let you know when I get a chance to play with it, but MultiLockOn actually made a pretty decent post in the GD Android thread explaining how a dual core with a better generation of chips can trounce a quad core in pretty much every way (since applications that make the most of multi threaded potential are so rare, and even then Intel have started laying in to Google saying that Android isn't even close to optimised for multi core chips). So I hear the US version may actually be pretty good, though I'll have to check the specs and see if it's a better chip in the dual core, or just the same thing with half the cores.
    14. Pegasi
      I haven't actually played with the S3 yet, stuck with my S2 for another year but I wana go to a phone shop at some point and try it out. I saw this post on /r/android comparing it to the HTC One X. A limited period of use on both, but they focused on quite a few of the recurring comments people make. In terms of phones other than the GNex, One X and S3, there's a wildcard Intel phone. Not as high spec but a lot cheaper and still very strong considering.
    15. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Yeah, saw that earlier today. You see the video?

      Supposedly, its set in an alt Darkroot Garden from waaaay in the past, so possibly Oolacile or whatever. And the bosses look ****ing epic.
    16. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      seen it already
    17. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Daily Dot | Hasbro shuts down prominent "My Little Pony" artist

      Thats the girl who made the amazing dolla you wanted. Epic sadfaic :(
    18. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Thursday is best day!

      Also, thanks.
    19. Transactionzero
      No, my comp can't handle it.
    20. Rorak Kuroda
      Rorak Kuroda
      Happy birthday Rarity!
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