Uhhh, stay on, or get off till around 9, I'm chillin with my cousin and I haven't seen him in a long time, but I will get on tonight, without a doubt :]
Not really. I started playing PC which means I stopped playing xbox which in turn means I stopped playing Halo, which in turn means I lost interest in Forgehub. I still like to come onto the site every once in a while to see who is doing what. Oh, btw, congrats on the spotlight.
Nick, I have the best idea ever. Like you don't even know. Like we have to do it. Like, we HAVE to do it. Like no matter what. Like either I fix my connection or you crap yours out. Like just get on Xbox later. Like at Midnight EST. K? K.
I think a brick was just dropped in my pants. Im going to download this tomorrow. Like right when I get up, then connection will be fixed even if I have to nuke Japan again haha. Yeah I downloaded the Resugence, I played it once, because nobody would play it anymore :c
Wait. New ME3 DLC. Brb. Im gonna go jump off a bridge, survive, be in horrible pain, then buy the DLC. Then I'm going to fix my connection to hear you non-southern voice again :D
I didn't go anywhere but I posted a link about Halo 4 and it was like a video making fun of it. But its all gud now, cause they reversed it :D
Hey Mocha! Guess who has 3 infractions from one BS post? And who also has a 7 day ban in the chat box?