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Jul 23, 2013 at 5:14 AM
Sep 11, 2011
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Forerunner, from United States

Shik was last seen:
Jul 23, 2013
    1. Xun
      Why the seemingly random friend request, dude?
    2. RoboArtist
      Why arent you on Xbox? it's summer. You havent been on in a week. A WEEK! That's 7 whole days! A week I tells ya!!
    3. brent12346
      for sure botdf and bvb suck so much :D. Atreyu a few songs are goos. and attack attack.. only 1 song. i usually hate when people hate on bands. lol
    4. REMkings
      Don't delete it, just put it in your fileshare, and I'll download it on May 30th, the day my school's over. I'll give you some feedback whenever I got around to checking it out and maybe playing a game or two on it.
    5. brent12346
      Yeah but other than them i like most bands in the genre. Accept atreyu and attack attack.
    6. brent12346
      eww the bunny the bear
    7. REMkings
      Sorry for the late reaction man, I've been busy with finals last week and I will be this week. I'll work out some tips on how to start an Infection map for you next week, okay? Just remind me on Wednesday 30th and I'll work something out for you the best I can :)
    8. Zatherla
      It's finished, waiting for 343's fileshare thing to go up
    9. neverendinghalo
      its pretty fun to play FFA on so have fun! I will be on later.
    10. Eightball
      Okay, so it's your birthday today, right?

      If so, happy birthday!
    11. Nutduster
      I kind of come and go frequently - it's hard for me to be on for more than a couple of hours ever, and sometimes it's just for like 45 minutes...
    12. REMkings
      Sounds interesting, I think it would be very creepy! :)
      But it's probably better to use it for some kind of Infection map rather than to call it a minigame (after playing it a lot it would get repetitive, most likely).
    13. REMkings
      Oh. Was it bad, then? I liked the idea!
      (Any ideas for minigames, by the way?) :)
    14. RoboArtist
    15. Zigywig
      >Crash, at least imo
    16. REMkings
      Of course, if you can put it in your fileshare I'll download it and check it out, and also run a testing game on it if you want me to. It sounds very interesting and promising!
      It's hard to play with you because of the different timezones, and the fact that I have to share my account with my two brothers and cannot play on the xbox a lot (this week is an exception because I have vacation)
    17. Erupt
      Hey, thanks.
    18. REMkings
      Yeah I know, but everyone prefers to be a human anyway. ;P
      And, for me personally, makes the fact that you can sneak around as an invisible assassin up a lot for the fact that you might die a lot
    19. REMkings
    20. REMkings
      Oh, and about the Lone Souls gametype:
      If you think about it, the three hit kill isn't that much of an issue as long as the zombies use teamwork. Same goes for the humans: if they go solo, they can easily get assasssinated if no-one watches their back. Believe me, I've tested this map AND gametype a ton of times and this is the best I can get it to be, even though it might be hard for the zombies sometimes because they can get slaughtered. I just didn't want to change too much about the invisibility and the lack of a motion sensor and such.
      But what did you think of the map?
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