noble blue fox
Last Activity:
May 11, 2012 at 9:49 AM
May 1, 2012
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noble blue fox

Promethean, from europe,finland

noble blue fox was last seen:
May 11, 2012
    1. noble blue fox
      noble blue fox
      sorry for that REMkings, i thought the day was sunday 13 but it was sunday 6. I'm sorry for wasting your time. meet you on sunday 13!
    2. REMkings
      Correction: I will send that Xbox Live message tomorrow.
    3. REMkings
      So you didn't make a mistake, and you can still join my lobby. :)
      I'll send those instruction messages today or tomorrow, like I said. (Probably today.)

      EDIT: I will send it in a few hours, and I can already tell you that you have been put in my lobby indeed! :)
    4. REMkings
      :sad::confused: Hello again REMkings. why din't you host on sunday 13? I'm sorry but i can't come and join your lobby on monday because i have school and it ends at 1 pm in your time. Im sorry that i din't tell you that i have school, i should have said that i can only join you on sunday. !'m sorry for this mistake. Next time i sign up for bioc,i'll have a better look at the times and days. Butt still, why din't you host on sunday?
      I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't host because I still have to host: May 13th is only in one week! Not today, but next Sunday, in one week! Today I am not hosting BIOC, because there is no BIOC-round this week.

      Also, I am only hosting on Sunday, not on a Monday, so you can still join.
      Just read the sign up thread carefully, and you can see that I am only hosting on a Sunday, to be exact on Sunday May 13th, 2012.
    5. REMkings
      (...) Since you signed up for my lobby, I will be your host so I will send you that message. In this message, I will give you the final instructions on how to join. If you follow those instructions properly, you will end up in my lobby no matter what, so don't worry! Just wait until next Sunday or Monday or so, and then I will tell you what to do as the final step to get in my lobby.

      You can also read it in here, down at the bottom of my post, under "Final step to join". That should explain a lot! :)
      If you still don't understand, don't be afraid to ask me because I will lovely try to help you out!
    6. REMkings
      Hello REMkings,i want to ask you a question. How do i show up on your infection group?
      I am really happy that you made this group because Halo reach has got a bit boring but
      still i am a bit worried. How will i join your game on may 13? will you send me a game invite and a friend request? please tell me what you will do.
      Don't worry any longer. When the deadline of signing up has been reached (which is next Saturday) I will collect all of the sign ups, and then send the lists of gamertags per lobby to all of the hosts (I will do this most likely on Sunday or Monday). Then, everyone of them will send a message on Xbox Live with further instructions to the people that were put in their lobby. (...)
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    noble blue fox
    i like future,odst and halo!

    gaming,films,scifi,future,science,sport and HALO!