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I voulenteer at the aquarium

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Forerunner, from Virginia

Senior Member
Waterfall was last seen:
Nov 30, 2022
    1. ArmadillosTHFC
    2. ArmadillosTHFC
      ok, thanks for the idea. one minute
    3. ArmadillosTHFC
    4. REMkings
      If you already have a GL you probably want to stick with it and forget about the Rockets. I think the map is too small for rockets, now that I think about it closely.
      Oh, about the custom powerup, I wasn't able to get it so I wouldn't really know yet :P
      Don't know where it's placed either
    5. ArmadillosTHFC
      can you be on in like an hour?
    6. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Well yes, but in order to rate a map I would want to play it several times, and that x 20 maps = a lot of time.
    7. ArmadillosTHFC
      hey waterfall, i think ill put up the preview now
    8. REMkings
      Yeah like I said, you might want to go for Sniper and GL instead of Rockets, or just stick with sniper.
    9. REMkings
      Oh I forgot to post that link that I mentioned under the question "Anything you noticed that could be fixed?".

      Here it is.
    10. REMkings
      Yeah no problem man, I'm glad I can help.
      And yeah, you should never rush a map. I've made that mistake in the past, right now I'm just trying to take it easy with new maps and only publice them or consider them finished when I can no longer think of anything that could use tweaking.
    11. REMkings
      Obviously you don't want him to face a wall, but there's more behind that. For instance, if he spawns in a section of the map with long sightlines, it could be good for gameplay to let him face a weapon, either a normal weapon (e.g. DMR) or a power weapon. In the last case, however, you do have to make sure that he can't get it easily, and right of the spawn. It has to be a challenge to get it.
      If you want to have tips on how to make a map flow well and be competitive, I would definitely check this out. It's a really useful guide on how to make a good competitive map.

      Okay, that's it for answering those questions! :)
    12. REMkings
      What did you dislike about it?
      The hard kill zone on the edge of one area of the map. If you fall off, you'll get a spawning penalty, which can be annoying, especially if you slip off by accident. Also, I missed the presence of a decent power weapon: it can really help you up if you have someone in your team who knows how to use it. If you want to stick with only one, the sniper is probably best, considering the measure of the map. Shotgun and energy sword would probably cause imbalanced gameplay. If you want to make it an MLG map, you could add the rockets or grenade launcher as well.

      Anything you noticed that could be fixed?
      The re-spawning. I noticed at least one spawn point that faces the cliff, so I would definitely work on that. In order to make a map flow well, especially if you want to make it competitive, you need to focus a lot on what a player faces when he respawns.
    13. REMkings
      However, since your guys's maps is pretty small, maybe you'd have to switch it for sniper and grenade launcher. (I don't know the respawn time of the GL, I think it's 120 seconds as well.)
      Finally, the map is too small to be a 4v4 MLG map. But 2v2 or 1v1 could work, I guess you'll have to see how it plays for MLG players. (Maybe even 3v3, I don't know yet.)

      What did you like about the map?
      The general look of the map is great, and I love the many different roads and levels. You also did a good job adding a lot of cover, but it's never too easy to escape from an enemy. Weapons are also easy to find, and the respawn times seemed good. (Haven't played enough to be able to tell for sure, though.)
    14. REMkings
      Would you consider it MLG competive? Even if you were playing in a casual lobby.
      If you want to make it a MLG map, I would definitely add sniper and rocket launcher. Right now, neither of those is present on the map, but those two weapons, especially the sniper, are really important for MLG maps and are essential if you want it to become a team oriented and highly competitive map. They greatly determine map control, and are usually positioned on hot spots on the map. This means that first you'd have to find two spots on the map that are equally accessible for both teams, and are difficult to reach without taking too much fire, unless you use excellent teamwork to cover each others back when one guys tries to get it. Also, if you add those weapons, don't forget about the respawn times: 120 seconds for sniper and 180 seconds for rockets. It's essential to have those times, because pro players know about them and so they will know when to go for a weapon.
    15. REMkings
      Oh, and about those questions, that's pretty hard, haha. But I'll try to answer them.

      Would you consider the map competive?
      Yeah, I think so. There are multiple levels, and a lot of sight line blockers. Also, there are various routes to head an opponent of, or to get a quicker way to higher ground of a power weapon.
      We had a pretty competitive game, but the fact that one of my teammates had a score of -3 kind of ruined the competitiveness. I'd like to check it out again sometime to see how competitive it can get if we have 8 players who really want to win, using teamwork and all.
    16. ArmadillosTHFC
      yeh man, thanks for this. got a 1v1 on it earlier 26 -12
      ^ - me
    17. REMkings
      I'm flattered you ask me, but I rather not do either of the two.
      I don't think I could be a judge, seeing that I've no experience whatsoever with forging competitive slayer maps. I can be pretty competitive, and maybe I can also define when I like a map or not, but I don't consider myself good enough to be a proper judge. If you really can't find anyone else, I might be able to help you out, but I would try to find someone who knows a lot about Slayer maps. There are a ton of such people on ForgeHub, and I know that at least some of them are cool guys, so they probably want to help you out. You can also ask Oakley if he knows someone, since he's got a lot of connections in the forge community, probably more than I do.
    18. ArmadillosTHFC
      i went for impurity, chasm sounded too suggestive[cave]
    19. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      If it is going to be a bait commitment then I might not be able to. I've got a lot on my plate over the next month (including graduation) so I don't want to get in over my head. I may still make something, as I have a few loose ideas floating around that could be called urbanish.
    20. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      I actually didn't help with Port Authority, though I was there for some of it's mid to early days and I have tested it a lot. Embarcadero is my puppy.

      I'm not sure I want to make a map right now, partially because I'm sick and partially because I'm nervous about overdoing the urban theme, but I may be interested in doing some judging as I'm in the TG. Give me the specifics when it gets up and running and I'll decide if I feel like pulling a map out of my Brainus in the meantime.
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  • About

    September 3
    I voulenteer at the aquarium
    I love to forge and play custom games I concider myself a decent forger.I'm a 18 year old guy from America and all I want to do is have a good time .

    Forge and custom games



    TZ wuz here