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Jan 9, 2015 at 2:35 PM
Dec 29, 2007
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Mar 1, 1974 (Age: 51)

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Nutduster was last seen:
Jan 9, 2015
    1. That Scorch Guy
      That Scorch Guy
      I'd totally be up for doing that again; set a time and I'll do everything I can to be there.

      Wasn't Halo 2 one of the flagship games for Live? That would explain connection difficulties.

      Still, I do agree that Halo 2 LAN (or, in my case, primarily splitscreen) was a load of fun the few times I got to play. I went back and played a little when some friends were at my house. Fun stuff, though I was having difficulty having been on Reach's aim assist and bumper jumper for so long...

      Halo 3 matchmaking is where I enjoyed it the most too. Seemed like far less people quit/griefed, especially in Social.
    2. That Scorch Guy
      That Scorch Guy
      Good games last night!

      I thought I should clear up my Halo history...I want to clarify:

      My parents didn't want me owning FPS games till I was at least 14-15. I can understand why. That being said, my friend at the time (OffhandSoldier? I think we played a few games) had an older brother who had bought Halo CE and a lenient set of parents. Whenever I stayed late at his house, we played Splitscreen. I was hooked back then.

      Then Halo 2 came out; we had 4 people and we did a lot of Customs splitscreen. Foundation was our map of choice. I played a bit of MM, but not too much, because except for the friend who lived there we all sucked.

      Around Halo 3's release I started caring more about how I played and I looked into an xbox myself. I finally got a copy of the game and a system about a year or two into Halo 3's lifespan and I only recently got to be a respectable player (unfortunately, I wasn't decent until Reach).
    3. wErod93
      That explains it. thanks.
    4. wErod93
      Hi. So how does this map testing work?
    5. wErod93
      Is there any chanse for me to join your group, Got a bunch of maps, which i would like to get some response to?
    6. Pegasi
      Totally a word, man. Btw you free this Sunday afternoon/evening?
    7. Pegasi
      I'm still bitter that I didn't get approved.

    8. Pegasi
      Rather than thread-jack anymore:

      Yeah, that's actually a fair point. If that kind of atmosphere is in place and snarky flies then he is pretty funny, I guess that goes a long way to explaining why I enjoyed conversations despite seeing the infraction coming a mile off. You're probably bang on about the GAF though, the community and thus atmosphere is pretty different.
    9. Shik
      Everytime I'm online youre not, but when you are I'm getting off. -_-
    10. Xun
      I think it's the fact that games are targeted at a younger audience. Doesn't mean we can't enjoy them regardless of age, however. I'll probably still be playing games well into my adult life.
    11. Xun
      Good to see I'm not the only "mature" person on this site. I honestly thought I was one of, if not the oldest member on here. +rep'd for representin'.
    12. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      When is the next TCOJ night? I have wanted to get a game or two on Terrorium for some time now, especially as I'm thinking of doing a new 1 flag map.
    13. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      So Waterfall wants me to make a map or judge.

      How is it to judge a contest? I've got a lot of TG experience so I think I'll be alright there, but is it really time consuming, as I have none lately.

      Also, I need someone to get me off my ass and just start a new map while finishing up (no, I can't write that. Total lie.) Meteora. Motivating speech?
    14. Waterfall
      Cool I have a month to get it to "fruitation" I'm glad there is some interest in this thanks much :)
    15. Waterfall
    16. ArmadillosTHFC
      hey can you be online in 10? im testing a map so i need some players
    17. REMkings
      lol I just editted something in your post, but you already replied! Whatever, the idea of my message is still the same. xD

      Okay man thanks, and also thanks for the quick reply! Your method is just a really effective way to make involved people come together and share their ideas and feedback on the maps. So, whether it's original or not, it's just very useful and social. I hope it will help BIOC to get more in touch with the people that join our lobbies. (Right now most people only hop on ForgeHub to sign up, and don't do much else. And the majority of the people that came from THFE to us didn't even show up at all anymore after they created a FH account, just to sign up for our first round.)
    18. REMkings
      Hey, you're one of the leaders of TCOJ, right? We from BIOC used to do recaps as well, although usually in different way than your guys's style of recapping. However, now that is down & we can no longer use screenshots, I'm looking for an alternative method of staying in touch with our community. And that's where I came up with st that's similar to the TCOJ Recaps, yet is a little different since it's based off of multiple lobbies (BIOC takes place during one whole week) and obviously it's for Infection only.
      However, before I'm going to start this new thing, I wanted to ask your permission first, since I don't want to be blamed of stealing your idea. Because, even though it's different and it won't be the exact same thing, it's still based on TCOJ Recap methods. (I'll probably give it a different name anyway, but still.) So would you guys mind if we use such a way of "recapping" too, permanently or just for the time being? Please reply asap! Thanks in advance.
    19. Psychoduck
    20. ArmadillosTHFC
      oh im normally on 3-5 ish EST cos im GMT
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    Mar 1, 1974 (Age: 51)