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Mar 8, 2013 at 1:55 AM
Apr 6, 2012
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December 30
London, England

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Promethean, from London, England

ArmadillosTHFC was last seen:
Mar 8, 2013
    1. Waterfall
      Hey you ever heard of HF?well they are this big YouTube channel made up of smaller channels created for the sole purpose of getting smaller channels known.i reccomended they check out blackstarrulz and they said they are getting to him.this is good because since we're friends I have a feeling he will agree to make videos for us.and they will be seen by more people.good news huh?
    2. Waterfall
      Ok. Just make sure you change the name of the map in the pm I sent you.
    3. Stevo
      thats more likely lol :P
    4. Waterfall
      Hey I'm going to write my section of the map preview what did we decide on for a final name? Chasm? I think?
    5. Waterfall
      Hey I can't get on untill about 5:30-6:00ish tomorrow then I can stay for two hours (EST) btw can you be on? I'd really love to get more work done on our map.
    6. Stevo
      Sorry dudes. I fell asleep. I clearly didn't get enough sleep last night after all >.<
      I won't be coming on now, it's late, I'm still tired and after I've just woken up, I'm not the best of teachers :(
      Maybe tomorrow?
    7. Waterfall
      Yup send bullets a MSG when u get online.
    8. REMkings
      Yeah I did, definitely. I think it works well for 4v4 too, but indeed 3v3 and 2v2 is probably best. I'm not sure if I can add you, my friends list is full all the time :(
      I'll see.
      OH, and I just got back from work so I will only hop on the xbox again by tomorrow
    9. Stevo
      Ahh, yeah.. I should be alright to pop on for a bit then :)
    10. Waterfall
      Not sure if I can if I have to go ill be gone all day if not I can be on then I'm not sure if I will be forced to leave.
    11. Waterfall
      Sounds sweet I'll try to be on 3-4 ish not sure if I can I might have to go out today.
    12. ArmadillosTHFC
      Yay found the things to modify the mlg gametypes for my 2v2/3v3 :)
    13. bullet2thehead9
    14. bullet2thehead9
      sure i will see if i can go on then. can you go on now?
    15. bullet2thehead9
      i would love to have a game on it with you. Also my alarm clock hates me, it went of a 6:45 am(and i am not a morning person) thats why i am up sooo early
    16. bullet2thehead9
    17. Stevo
      Ouch... 9-10pm EST? that's like 4am for me!
    18. bullet2thehead9
    19. Waterfall
      Hey once we finish the
      Map and everything well put up a map preview for it and keep the community interested then I can submit the map to a YouTube channel that if chosen ill make sure either you get the credit yourself or tell him it a co-forge between you me and bullets or we could wait ,get the video THEN post the map preview which is probably the better idea.
      Now I don't want to sound like I'm trying to take any credit here but I know I'm a really good writer and if it's alright with you I'll write a good amount of info then you can put in something after what you write put
      Waterfallninja3's opinion and copy and paste my bit and put it in. Just an idea you do not need to agree but the more info we give the better right?
    20. bullet2thehead9
      I am so sorry for not being able to help with the maps. I really wish I was able to help at the moment, but I have been really busy lately I'm so sorry. I really want to see the map though can you put on you FS.
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    December 30
    London, England
    Don't touch that, you have no idea what it is... Or where it's been...

    Shooting Unicorns, Listening to Music, Gaming, BMXing,


    Check out my Chiron Remake...

    Originally Posted by Xx Overkill VR [​IMG] looks like you focused all your resources on the wheel...

    I have 2000 budget left. I also have a wheel. You have neither. lol