[IMG*]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/162/4/1/bungie_day_signature_by_zehbehdee-d534gri.png[/IMG] This is much better quality^ Try using this URL (remove the "*")
Nope, I'm afraid not. I'll check who's picking it up, but it might be worth watching out for the next site update as well since I'm sure that'll address the changes.
Hey, Nuiz is a fun map for FFA, like really fun. Only thing that sucks is the nasty frame rate by the lift landing by the teleporter frames
the truth, I stopped having fun on Halo Reach. It just wasn't as fun anymore. I Would love to do a TGIF on a different game, but I have exams and college **** to do atm. Maybe it'll come back. ;D
I'm only going to be able to be on for an hour longer at most, so if you need me to test now would be a good time :p if not I'm generally free on the weekends