I'm not quite sure what you mean by that, but I'm glad to hear you're good. I've been pretty good lately. I'm working now, so I'm not going to be on Live much anymore, but I've still been pre' good daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawg. Haha, have you any map designs that you've been working on?
Ah, I've heard that before. Didn't pay attention to who it was. Also, here's a link to those Eminem/Elton John mash-ups I told you about a while back: Eminelton
2012 XXL Freshman Cypher Video (Hopsin, Roscoe Dash, Machine Gun Kelly, Future and Danny Brown) - YouTube I feel like Hopsin just slaughtered everyone in that. Never liked anything I'd seen from him 'til that.
Hey noob. There's gonna be a new forge forums. Make an account on The Halo Council - Latest News That's where the new forge forums will be and it will be active and awesome. Trust me, I'll be having a huge hand in how things are run there so it won't be gay. Tell EVERYONE. Along with that, the entire Halo community has made the move there. They already have almost 2000 registered members. So yeah.