The Squak Man
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Apr 28, 2018 at 6:41 PM
Feb 12, 2012
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Dec 31, 1993 (Age: 31)
The Sunshine State.

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The Squak Man

Forerunner, from The Sunshine State.

Senior Member
The Squak Man was last seen:
Apr 28, 2018
    1. REMkings
    2. REMkings

      You can now already sign up for Round 2 of BIOC. The earlier you sign up the more chance you have to end up in your preferred lobby, so be quick!
      To stay up to date about BIOC, please visit our social group daily or go and subscribe to it, by clicking on Group Tools and then selecting "Subscribe to this Group". Thanks in advance!

      On behalf of the BIOC Crew,
      - REMkings
    3. REMkings
      What you can also do is to make the zombies just a little slower or give the humans a motion sensor so zombies can't sneak up on the survivors that easy. Of course this would mean that the shortcut bridge for the zombies should become a little longer but that won't take that much effort I think. I'm not sure what would work best but I'd say just try things out or ask others for advice as well.

      For the rest I really liked the map, you used the default area of Forge World in a very good way and the fact that you have to run away for the zombies is very terrifying, which is absolutely what you want to achieve for a zombie map. Weapons seemed good as well but since I was mostly a zombie I couldn't really tell yet.
      I look forward to testing this map again in the future!
    4. REMkings
      - Add more cover, such as rocks, around the lighthouse and on Montana in general (that's the part of Forge World where you build the lighthouse and other hold out spots). It is pretty difficult for the zombies to get close to the humans now because they can easily take a bullet to the head if they have to run through an open field.

      - Either remove the invisibility of the zombies or give the humans more health. It was too difficult to survive out in the open right now which is not bad since you don't want people to hold off the horde without having to work together, but still for new players it's a little hard if they are dead all at once.
    5. REMkings
      Hey man, even though I was chilling on the xbox with my friend last Friday so for that reason I couldn't talk through my mic or really listen to you guys, I remember playing your map "Haste" with Ticky and some other guys.
      I don't know what else Ticky already told you since I - once again - was already chatting with my friend next to me, but this is some feedback I can already give you:

      - Make the second teleporter for the zombies spawn next to the first one instead of behind the spawns. It took me about 5 times before my friend finally told me that there was another teleporter behind the spawns.. so you might want to make it easier to find it by placing it in front of the zombie spawns.
      - Give the zombies unlimited sprint. Right now I had to walk for ages because I couldn't sprint all the time, this took me very long and it was quite boring.
    6. REMkings
      Ok, good luck!
    7. REMkings
      Yes I know but please read the message that I linked down below. It will explain a lot. Also, in the near future we will have our Survival Infection expert post a thread that explains Survival Infection with all the details, so look forward to that.
    8. REMkings
      Hey man, I'm sorry but again, unfortunately we don't submit that kind of maps :(
      We only accept Survival Infection maps.
    9. REMkings
      Also, one more thing, there's an error in your sign up: you must choose between option 1 and option 2. Just read the text and you'll find what I mean. ;)
    10. REMkings
      Thanks for signing up, but unfortunately we cannot accept the kind of map you submitted. :(
      We only play Survival Infection maps, and your map is a Hot Pursuit variant which is considered more of a minigame than a classic Survival infection variant. For that reason we cannot play it in BIOC.

      This series is exclusively meant for Survival Infection maps, that is Infection maps that use the traditional "Human vs Zombie" way of playing. This means no mini-games whatsoever.
      I can ask the rest of the group what they think but I don't think they will say otherwise so it will probably not be played :(
      But this doesn't mean that you can't join or s.t., of course not! You will definitely enjoy the lobby that you'll be put in, I can assure you that already :D
    11. REMkings
      Sign Up Thread is online now!!
      Please sign up before it's too late
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  • About

    Dec 31, 1993 (Age: 31)
    The Sunshine State.
    Dan Shut Up
    Been a Halo fan since the first one, I've spent many hours playing Halo 3's Infection and its other glorious game types. I Joined to bring back the fun into Halo: Reach's custom games.

    I like Purple, okay?

