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Hipster, from Brazil

Senior Member

Available for Freelance. Jul 11, 2016

Redy was last seen:
Mar 1, 2021
    1. REMkings
      Never mind, it was already in your fileshare, I found it yesterday :)
      However, when we were going to test it with about 12 players, we had to end the game because there were no initial spawn points and only 1 respawn point haha! xD
      So you might want to work on that first ;)
    2. REMkings
      Redy, can you make sure to put your BTB in your fileshare as soon as possible? Then I can already check it out today :)
    3. REMkings
      YEAH! Gentlemen, we got 200 members in BIOC!! [IMG]
    4. Pegasi
      KK, np dude, you've been a great host so far, you deserve a break. See you back next TGIF :).
    5. REMkings
      Hey Redy, how about some Skype?
    6. REMkings
      I like your custom title :P
    7. REMkings
      Oh my God that sucks REALLY bad!
      Man I'm sorry you lost all your maps, I do still have that Bloody Bath Bay map, but it's the old version that you showed me once. Oh well, it's still better than nothing.
      I'm going to make up for you by asking if you are willing to help me with forging a map sometime! Would you like to do that? It can be hard finding proper times when we're both online but we'll figure something out.
      As far as the Slow map goes, I really hope I have it somewhere in my files but I'm afraid not. :'(
      Just try to contact people that played that map and see if anyone saved it. Same for your other maps!

      Okay then, I'll try to host the next two lobbies without you then :(
    8. REMkings
      Alrighty. :)
    9. REMkings
      Hey Redy, skype?
    10. REMkings
      Shiny blue there, boy! :D
    11. REMkings
      Hey, I posted a few new and important posts / threads in the staff group. Be sure to check it out!
    12. REMkings
      Haha awesome!! I think he will love it!

      And so will you probably, because his Garbage Dump map is awesome!
    13. REMkings
      Unfortunately, you cannot have killzones spawn later in the map. It's been tried, but never successfully. So I think you will just have to put one right at the beginning, so any player who doesn't move forward will die because of the killzone.
      But, what you could also do, is to have a teleporter spawn in later on, maybe after 30 seconds or so. And then just put the receiver on that place in the map where they should be if they would have moved from the beginning, but maybe a little bit behind (where the other humans will be if they did move) so it won't be useful to stay behind, but if you do, say because you were AFK for a second, you won't immediately die after 10 seconds but you'll just teleport to another place in the week. And if you're still not playing, the zombies can just kill you.
    14. REMkings
      Redy, Skype? :)
    15. REMkings
      Hey Redy, I remember you asked me about which gametype was best for Of Legions, Default Infection or Alpha Zombies. I think I said AZ was probably best because there is no evade so it's not too difficult, but I'm not too sure about that anymore.
      Well, both have their pro's:

      Default Infection:
      - 1 starting zombie (and since the map is best for smaller parties that's a good thing)
      - 5 rounds (can be good for longer games)

      Alpha Zombies:
      - Sprint instead of Evade (Evade is a little too difficult for the humans)
      - No classes, just sprint for the humans
      - 3 rounds (good if you want a shorter game)

      So it's just up to you which one you wanna use, it depends on how many players you are playing with and what kind of players (random kids or mature infection fans, basically :P)
    16. REMkings
      Oh, and one more important thing:
      If you don't get around to playing all the maps when you have to go, just tell everyone that we will do another lobby of Linear Progression maps next time!
      (Just advertize a little)
    17. REMkings
      If I can't get round to some of the maps in my list, then could you please play them? You can find the links here, in the "REMkings" column.

      Finally, I think we should do a second Linear Progression lobby next time, because there are a lot of really cool maps that we should really play, but probably do not have the time to do so in this round. For instance, Insanmiac's Survival maps are really cool but I don't think we'll have the time in this round..
    18. REMkings
      Redy, here's the list of maps to be played in our lobby today:

      1. Lone Souls in a Lost Mine (ZipZapZop is featuring it on his YT channel, but it depends on if he still needs gameplay or not)
      2. The Event (testing)
      3. ZA_Highrise (testing)
      4. Kappa Base (testing)
      5. Dead Mines
      6. Zombie Ziggurat (not sure yet)

      1. Outbreak: The Lab (by Oakley HiDef!)
      2. Origins II (2nd act of Oakley's LP maps) - don't know if you have it
      3. oomishday's Inf_11 and Inf_12 (testing)
      4. Slow (testing)
      5. End of Days Campaign (1 up to 12)
      (depends on you if you want to play the whole campaign or just some of them) NEW LINKS!! Find them here, they are all yellow because all links are new.
    19. Pegasi
      Yup, if you could still try and get me a recap then that'd be great. And you're right, after this recap you'll have done all the requirements for the rank, will be good to have you joining :). And don't worry about when the recaps don't get posted, as long as you submit a recap then it's counted towards the rank, it's not your fault if they don't get posted as long as you submit one.
    20. REMkings
      Sure, I'll give you the playlist soon, as well as the maps that you should download ;)
      Can't wait for it!
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  • About

    June 5
    Home Page:
    Designer / 3D Artist
    I am here to provide entertainment. Playing in custom lobbys, and creating maps.

    Preference for BTB competitive, 5v5 and linear Infection.
