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Mar 1, 2021 at 1:40 PM
Apr 16, 2011
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Hipster, from Brazil

Senior Member

Available for Freelance. Jul 11, 2016

Redy was last seen:
Mar 1, 2021
    1. REMkings
      Hey Redy, you're online! Skype, maybe? :)
    2. REMkings
      Okay, I will check it out as soon as I can. Tomorrow I have to work so maybe I can't make it, but if not then I will check it out next Sunday!
      And I'm sorry about Blood Bath Bay, I really wanna help with that map but I'm just so busy ;) Eventually we'll be able to get back to that and I can give you some more tips
    3. REMkings
      Okay, thanks. But please try and make it for Round 4, I didn't do theLinear Progression maps last time so we can still do that.
    4. REMkings
      Okay but next time can you please tell me that you can't make it? I've been waiting for you :(
      Anyway we had a fun lobby but it wasn't as cool as the first two rounds. And most people didn't use their microphones, except for some guys that usually attend such as oomishday3, oscarvdhooft and Fossa of GZUS. So yeah, it wasn't a big success but it was still fun, and I already decided to do those linear progressions maps in next round instead.
    5. REMkings
      Hey man, as you could see the other day, we did join your lobby but the xbox kept jamming so we gave up and just started to watch movies again. :S

      Anyway, could you download the whole End of Days campaign? I don't have those maps and my list of maps on the xbox is already very full.
    6. REMkings
      Haha we tried voodoo but it wouldn't work xD
      I had to work so I went back home today, but tonight I will go to him again and there are three options:
      1) My two friends successfully repaired the xbox by taking it apart and making it again
      2) My friend left for his home to get his xbox to my friend's house
      3) We don't have an xbox at all.
      Option 1 isn't very likely, I mean I know they did take it apart but I haven't heard yet if it worked. Option 2 is probable, but it depended on when they would find out option 1 wasn't going to work. Because if it was too late already, my friend didn't feel like bringing his xbox. Option 3 would suck, of course.
      So I REALLY hope we can make it this time and join your game. I will contact you if it works. We're even with the 4 of us now, instead of 3 :D
      Oh and his xbox is the oldest 360 out there, he never had to buy a new one before.
      Once again, hope I can be there this time, I think it would be awesome!!
    7. REMkings
      Hey Redy,
      Sorry I wasn't there yesterday in your TGIF, I asked my friends and they really liked it so we were going to send you a Private Chat invite but then... my friend's xbox died. There were three red rings, which basically means that your xbox is broken and that you have to send it to Microsoft. So we couldn't play on the xbox and that's why we couldn't join your lobby either. However, there is a slight chance that we can fix his xbox by taking it apart and trying to fix stuff, and if that doesn't work one of us will probably bring his own xbox so we will play on that one instead of the broken one. So if you're online today, around the same time (maybe earlier), then we will try and play some customs with you after all!
    8. REMkings
      For the record, I'm not pushing you to play these maps down below since obviously you have your own schedule as well, but I do like it if you would play them :)
      But if you don't want to then it's okay
    9. REMkings
      Link (DL.. you get it by now :P): [noparse][/noparse]

      You have this one already

      Outbreak: The Lab (Oakley's Linear map I)*
      You have this one already

      Cat 'n Mouse (the one with the grass, not the flat version)
      Link: [noparse][/noparse]

      5 Levels of Terror

      The ones with a yellow star are the ones I'd definitely like to see most of all, I'm sure my friends will love those and so will everyone else in the lobby ;)
    10. REMkings
      Hey Redy I actually have some interesting maps I'd really like to play in a big lobby (preferably 16). If "FloodedDrake" would be in the party, would you consider playing these maps? You only have to play them if I'm actually there myself with my friends, but I would download them anyway just so you have them already.

      Here's a list:

      The Tank Game (use Speedpile gametype)*
      Link (download links in description): [noparse][/noparse]
      Make sure to download the Speedpile gametype! It's most fun

      Jump Rope (Wraiths only)*
      Link (once again, DLs in description): [noparse][/noparse]

      Bayfalls City
      Link (DLs in descr): [noparse][/noparse]

      Hallways (use the Conquest gametype)*
      Link (DLs in descr): [noparse][/noparse]
    11. REMkings
      If I'm going to join your TGIF lobby tomorrow when am at my friend's, I probably won't be able to use a mic. I hope you don't mind ;)
    12. REMkings
      Okay, I'll send you a PM with my email.
      and are you hosting a TGIF lobby this Friday? I didn't see your name in the list of lobbies
    13. REMkings
      How did you sent it on Skype, then? Because I can't find it anywhere :(
      And yeah, it's alright you posted the discussion thread, I will post one as well explaining everything about the channel soon.
    14. REMkings
      PS: Redy, co-hosting again? :P
    15. REMkings
    16. REMkings
      Okay, yeah this is awesome, I understand the design.
      Just keep it this way, and send me the file so I can put it on the channel. You can always change things if you want.
    17. REMkings
      Oh, I didn't know that. Well, never mind then.

      The new one looks better indeed, but I would turn the text on the left side the other way around, if you understand what I mean. Now it looks a little awkward, since it's facing away from the middle instead of facing to it. (hard to explain but you probably understand)

      And maybe you can also add the Infection symbol again, it looked pretty cool. But if you can't change the color then it's okay, it already looks very cool now
    18. REMkings
      Ok, well it's awesome so far!!
      If you could also create some kind of border on top of the page, with the full name of the group (Bloodthirst: Infection Only Customs) and a link to our social group, that would be awesome. And then just make it pretty basic and simple, but also terrifying at the same time. (For instance, bold black letters, with white lines at the verge of the letters, and maybe some dirty blood on it. Just think of something cool, I'm sure you will be able to create something epic :D)
      Also, I noticed the bar down below is white, you might want to make it black

      And yeah, it's good to tweak that Infection symbol a little, right now it seems a little awkward
    19. REMkings
      Hey you online now? Skype? xD

      PS: Well I'm planning to work on a lot more maps as well this summer so maybe my fileshare would get full, but we'll figure it out by then I think :)

      And yeah, captures cards are very cool but unfortunately also very expensive :(
    20. REMkings
      If you want me to, I can always just help you out by copying some of your maps to my fileshare, whenever you need some space to upload something, because I have Bungie Pro so I have 24 slots. And then after you put it there and Mr Pokephile or I downloaded it, you can remove it again and copy your file back from my fileshare. But I see you don't need to this time, since you have all of the good clips in your fileshare already.
      But I'm telling you just in case if you'd need it sometime in the future ;)

      PS: It's alright if you weren't moving in Raptors, because it will be just flythroughs of the maps, and maybe Mr Pokephile will use some quick action clips for trailer videos. So don't worry about it, he will figure out what to use from each clip if he wants to show it from a player's perspective.
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  • About

    June 5
    Home Page:
    Designer / 3D Artist
    I am here to provide entertainment. Playing in custom lobbys, and creating maps.

    Preference for BTB competitive, 5v5 and linear Infection.
