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Jul 16, 2013 at 10:22 AM
Apr 26, 2010
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A30N was last seen:
Jul 16, 2013
    1. Minion
    2. REMkings
    3. REMkings
      At the moment the staff is already complete, and it could be a little difficult to introduce entirely new people all the time. I'm thinking of a way to work on this in the future, maybe we could have some kind of way to apply for people to join the staff if BIOC would become bigger.
      Either way, I'll write your name down so you'll be first on the list when we need new people to host.
    4. REMkings
      Sure, my own lobby takes place next Sunday, at 1pm EST, and Elliot's lobby next Friday at 3pm EST.
      Just sent one of us the usual invite message, 15 minutes before the lobby begins. Unfortunately you already missed Ticky's. :(

      Next time please keep an eye on the Customs Forum yourself, because I post a new sign up thread every two weeks and next time there might not be enough place for people who didn't sign up but still wanted to join, like you. Thanks in advance!
    5. REMkings

      You can now sign up for Round 2 of BIOC. The earlier you sign up the more chance you have to end up in your preferred lobby, so be quick!
      To stay up to date about BIOC, please visit our social group daily or go and subscribe to it, by clicking on Group Tools and then selecting "Subscribe to this Group". Thanks in advance!

      On behalf of the BIOC Crew,
      - REMkings
    6. REMkings
      Sign Up Thread is online now!!
      Please sign up before it's too late
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    A3ON 0f CH405


    Remember, we’re dealing with the apocalypse. And zombies. Men and women going crazy. Cats and dogs living together…you know, mass hysteria.