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Feb 11, 2023 at 2:08 PM
Nov 24, 2011
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May 12, 1998 (Age: 26)
Ontario Canada

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Forerunner, Male, from Ontario Canada

Senior Member
bullet2thehead9 was last seen:
Feb 11, 2023
    1. bullet2thehead9
      lol. ahhh i wish you could go on xbox!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2. Waterfall
      Ya I saw that but was too lazy to edit it out lol
    3. Waterfall
      1 Minute Ago - PermalinkWaterfallninja3
      Haha I go in team doubles for hlg a lot mainly countdown but ive found at least on spot on most of the mm maps lol
    4. Waterfall
    5. Waterfall
      Too to me between games then lol don't suck for the team just to post a comment.
    6. Waterfall
      My mom has my mic she's "disinfecting" it because if I use it after I'm better I'll just end up ****ing my self again lol ur on your iPod right? Something of the sort?
    7. bullet2thehead9
      cant you at least plug in a mic and go on xbox and talk
    8. Waterfall
      Same here and it passes time alot faster but apparently my mom DOSENT consider it resting so I'm stuck in my room with nothing better to do then come to forgehub and YouTube all day lol o well only wasted a few days of spring break
    9. Waterfall
      I tried to tell her that... Then she started yelling at me lol
    10. Waterfall
      No I can talk and I DEFINANTLY want to get to work on this but my mother is saying I need to rest untill I'm better and I'll be finished with my mandatory antibiotics tomorrow so I should be able to get on tomorrow... In a way it's a good thing but in a way it's also a bad thing
      I guess you could say it makes us plan more rather then possibly rushing to building and not being everything it could be
      Idk I'm just trying to look on the bright side here*
    11. Waterfall
      I was hoping you would like the name i made a aesthetic frigate a LOONGGG time ago and called it that but I think it fits better with this and btw I used real halo lore in there
      Gamma station = the map condemned which was actually very vital to reach lol so the story actually makes sense lol glad you like and I should be well enough to be on tomorrow:)
    12. Waterfall
      The UNSC caliber*
      Description: once used as a military weapons transport and defense vessel the caliber now resides in a graveyard in reaches orbit
      Story:this vessel played a big role during the fall of reach.they delivered rounds and power to ships that were struggling against covenant orbital forces. The caliber's final move was to Intervene with plasma discharges heading for gamma station which was vital to reach.the charges hit a pressure generator destroying it causing space to claim the lives of men.while structurally intact it is uninhabitable.
    13. Waterfall
      K well in all honesty ill look at it tomorrow I'll be here all day we can discuss whenever you get on forgehub and we can start construction any day now. We got a good base and a solid challenge ahead of us. However in the meantime i need to sleep for a few hours. I'll talk to you about it tomorrow and I guess since I'll have nothing better to do ill come up with a storyline for the ship you know caption why it's now used as a battle zone and etc etc
      Hope we get this done see ya later.
    14. Waterfall
      Well a few problems I see. I don't think we should have a " outside area" per say I'm not sure what you mean bye it but if your talking about being in open space we would have nothing to offer to the outside no zero gravity etc see I don't have the MSG packs do I don't know what you mean
      Could you get me a pic of that room? Where they are fixing the SS ???
    15. Waterfall
      Thinking UNSC for this one
    16. Waterfall
      Ya I think asym would fit a lot better do we could do that we just need to remember a mix of short and long lines of sight. Where do you get those on a ship? The hanger bay of course.
      The middle area could be a hanger bay what do you think?
    17. bullet2thehead9
      well if we are going with a covenant space craft than everything will be symmetrical and circular. but if we do a UNSC space craft it will be asymmetrical and room based. so i dont know what to pick.
    18. Waterfall
      I was thinking. Possibly now not sure but a circular layout not circuit like zealot but more of a square that revolves around the middle area think of guardian we could have mulit tiers to it accessible by walking rac jumps and lifts just a few ideas what do YOU think the layout should be like
    19. Waterfall
      Ya actually I think we should do that theme we don't see these theme maps except for infection so it will make the map stand out. Also I can find up with some juicy background story if we have time (I know a lot of halo lore)
      But now for design.
    20. bullet2thehead9
      disregard this post anyone who looks at my profile
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  • About

    May 12, 1998 (Age: 26)
    Ontario Canada
    First Name:
    I used to post on this website like crazy back in the Halo Reach days and then disappeared for like a decade. Infinites forge has dragged me back into map making so I expect to be posting maps like crazy again. If I’m not forging I’m probably beating up an acoustic guitar (this will only make sense if you know me).


    I used to have a bunch of map links here but they all broke like 6 years ago.
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