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May 27, 2013 at 12:56 PM
Feb 4, 2012
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Promethean, from Kentucky

oomishday3 was last seen:
May 27, 2013
    1. REMkings
      Oh, I can't even remember I already submitted it haha :$
      Anyway here's the Lone Souls thread.

      My other good maps are Whac-a-Mole and Ice Cream Man, but they will both be improved next Summer. You've played on Whac-a-Mole recently, if you have any things I should improve upon then go ahead and give me your feedback :)
      Ice Cream Man is not balanced enough, I will take a look at that by the time I'll re-create W-a-M.

      I didn't come out with that many maps yet since I can only play on the xbox in the weekends, and I have to share my xbox and my xbox account with my 2 brothers (explains the name). However, next Summer I'll have more time and I'll be done with school as well, so I'll definitely bring out a ton of content, which will consist of a lot of Infection maps and a lot funny minigames.
      At the moment, I'm only working on one map really, another Infection map with an interesting twist....
    2. REMkings
      Hey oomish, how can I submit my map Lone Souls in a Lost Mine for one of your singles?

      (PS: Your age is lying :P)
    3. bullet2thehead9
      I am going to sub your youtube channel because right now I don't have anything better to do.
    4. oomishday3
    5. Waterfall
      Hey I'm subbed to ur YouTube channel
    6. Minion
      wait, so you would feature my map? What do I do to get it featured?
    7. oomishday3
    8. REMkings
      Hey man, you should sign up for Redy's TGIF lobby if you can :)
      Maybe I'll be there myself as well, it depends on if my friends feel like it cause I'm staying at a friend's. I won't recover my account anyway so if I'm there it will be with his account, or as a guest :)
    9. REMkings
      Thanks, I'll put them on the list :)
    10. REMkings
      Do you think you could put the links for your new Linear Progression maps in your fileshare sometime this week? Next Sunday I'll be hosting a Linear Progression Infection only lobby and your maps looked really good, and of course now people can give you their feedback. I will test your Inf 8 map anyway so you can always look forward to feedback for that map.
      I'm asking you to put them in your fileshare so I can download them myself, because I can't promote you to leader to select your maps, as that is one of the rules of BIOC :(
    11. REMkings
      Oomish, it's it okay with you if I test your Inf 8 Map only next lobby? Because for next lobby Redy and I will be playing Linear Progression/Journey/Campaign maps only and since your map is such a map, I figured it would be neat to test it then. Instead of that map I could test the Inf_10 map for the second time today, using those new download links you provided me below. I hope you don't mind, if you don't reply I'll go ahead and just do it this way (I know you're having vacation now, I really hope you don't get mad at me for moving the Inf 8 map to next round..)
    12. oomishday3
    13. PurexXxChicken
    14. REMkings
      I can't wait to see them myself :D
    15. PA1NTS
      Awesome. If you make a video of the winners, post the link on my profile. If you just have the download links to the maps, message me them, or submit them here and I will make sure they get into bioc if they are good maps. When is the contest done?
    16. PA1NTS
      Thanks for helping BIOC out with the promo video, are you holding the contest or are you just telling people about BIOC? Either way, we the staff, appreciate it. hopefully it will bring in done new maps.
    17. REMkings
      Ok, well I can also just test them both, and then use the new gametype and map for Inf_10. Multiple hits sounds cool but personally I'm not a big fan of 2 hits only, since it makes practically no difference with one hit because by the time you turned around to shoot off the zombie it's usually already too late. But that depends on the map, of course, and it could work for your map. I'll check it out again if you like.
      And yeah just give me the links for the new map and I'll test it in my second lobby for sure
    18. REMkings
      Hey, obviously everyone in the party with a mic already told you some feedback yesterday but I'll go ahead and write it down in here as well:
      + Original mix between free roam and linear progression
      + Cool color effects
      + Good Line of Sight blockers
      + Ingenious system with the one-way shields even though some people might think it doesn't look very good
      - Maybe you should put a soft kill zone in the initial spawn area of the humans so they won't easily camp in there
      - Rounds were over a little quick, a way you could prevent this is by having the teleporter receivers spawn in later so the zombies can't already cut off the humans that soon in the round
      - Maybe have some less weapons on the map but I'm not sure about that yet, I'd have to test it again. And the weapons don't seem overpowered so yeah

      The map is already very awesome and I look forward to more testing in future BIOC lobbies!
    19. REMkings

      You can now already sign up for Round 2 of BIOC. The earlier you sign up the more chance you have to end up in your preferred lobby, so be quick!
      To stay up to date about BIOC, please visit our social group daily or go and subscribe to it, by clicking on Group Tools and then selecting "Subscribe to this Group". Thanks in advance!

      On behalf of the BIOC Crew,
      - REMkings
    20. ZipZapZop
      Of course.
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  • About

    I'm oomishday3. I make mongoose races and many other things in forge. I have some halo skill and I've been with the franchise since halo 1. I'm 20 as of 4/7.



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