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Apr 25, 2012 at 7:02 AM
Nov 30, 2011
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Apr 3, 1997 (Age: 27)
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

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Forerunner, from Melbourne, VIC, Australia

EpICx ReMiX XD was last seen:
Apr 25, 2012
    1. bullet2thehead9
      go on facebook so we can chat
    2. bullet2thehead9
      Ya so we neeeeeeeeeeeeeed to hang out this weekend, I haven't talked to you since vivid was mad and all my friends have been too busy with other things lately like machinimas so I am getting bored because I am stuck have to hang out with no one....................and Bruce :P no but seriously we should try to hang out this weekend.
    3. bullet2thehead9
      And I am sorry that everyone is a little late with saying happy birthday but where you live you are 16 hours ahead so right now its april 3rd here at 10:43 pm
    4. bullet2thehead9
      Happy birthday man, I wish we could hang out and I should make you a birthday map :P and I would go on facebook but I am on my phone so I can't chat and when I am on FH on my phone I don't get the notifications.
    5. oomishday3
      happy birthday!
    6. EpICx ReMiX XD
      EpICx ReMiX XD
      Should I build a birthday map special to celebritate by birthday?
    7. Eightball
      Happy birthday.
    8. Waterfall
      Happy birthday bro
    9. bullet2thehead9
      If you can go on saturday(your time) around 11am we can hang and same goes for sunday at 11:00. Because there is an eight hour time difference here so when its 11am there its 7pm here. It sucks that the only time we can hangout is one the weekends.
    10. bullet2thehead9
      I will probably test it on the weekend because that is the only time that both me and you can be on at the same time.
    11. bullet2thehead9
      Our map VIVID has been posted, Check it out here.
    12. bullet2thehead9
      plaese go here and check out the drawing i was talking to you about a month ago and please comment.
    13. bullet2thehead9
      i will tell you next time we talk on xbox live that way it is more private
    14. bullet2thehead9
      yah its fine. maybe if you are on this weekend we might be able to hang out because my eye is messed up so i wont be at school. on friday.(your saturday)

      If you want to find out the time zones take your time and add 8hrs and it will my time but only it will be yesterday here>(i suck at explaining this if you dont undertstand i will message you something easyer to understand)
    15. bullet2thehead9
      Hey dude we need to hang out again some time and maybe test out some maps and do another Co-forge.
      It would be easy to hang out if the time zones were the same..........STUPID TIME ZONES!

      Also I added more pics to my map corrupt take a look if you want.
    16. bullet2thehead9
      Great job on your map sandbox 700 plus DLs and you didn't even post it on forgehub yet
    17. EpICx ReMiX XD
    18. bullet2thehead9
      Hey what time was it in Australia when you sent that last message because if you tell me I can figure out the time difference.
    19. bullet2thehead9
      Cool if you want you can invite me to a custom games lobby so I can help test the map out. there is only one problem with that and that is I live in canada and you live in Australia so we will have to figure out a time that is ok for both of us because of the time zones. Message me back on forge hub if you want to figure out a time
    20. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Thanks, you too.
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  • About

    Apr 3, 1997 (Age: 27)
    Melbourne, VIC, Australia
    EpICx ReMiX XD
    Hello ForgeHub members. I'm EpICx ReMiX or people call me Blake like Bullet and the others. I really love to forge maps in Halo Reach. That's the only thing I do in Reach. Well not really I do test other peoples map and/or Co-Forge with someone to build maps. I'm a nice, kind person to talk to and post friendly comments on other people's maps. Can't wait for Halo 4 to come out. I hope you can change the weather, the terrain and other things that Halo Reach can't do.
    My contact details:

    Halo Reach, Playing loud music, Hanging out with mates and Playing completive games.