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Mar 17, 2023 at 4:32 PM
Feb 16, 2012
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Forerunner, from Pittsburgh PA

Senior Member
wade was last seen:
Mar 17, 2023
    1. Redy
      Nope, I was in a trip all weekend out without my Xbox. Probably next friday. ;)
    2. theSpinCycle
      Hey there.. it's not your place to tell me whether I think something is cool. Chill out, ok?
    3. Redy
      <3 you.
    4. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Linear progression means that the players have to keep moving the whole time, and generally desire to, while being strictly limited to a linear path. So, mazes are not an option, and neither is a large, open map where you can find a nice hill and set up camp.

      While I realize its incredibly old, the famous Manifest gametype created by chrstphrbrnnn and Shad0w Viper is one of the best examples. Its essentially like fat kid, except you don't need to do alpha zombies or make the humans super weak; the only real requirement is that the players/zombies start at point A, and over the course of the game have to progress to point B, C, then D, ad naeseum, simply to survive.

      Make more sense?
    5. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Flag Reset Submissions got moved up by a month. If they are not taking them I know a lot of people who are going to be pissed. Also, it's easier if you leave VM's because I don't have to delete them to keep my inbox from filling, just an fyi. Good luck with both contests!
    6. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Well that's good. Hopefully we can let this whole mess just die out at this point. I'm glad this ended peacefully, about 2 months ago a similar situation arose and I basically just got called an idiot every time I tried to contact the person.
    7. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Look man, no one is trying to put your map down. People are just trying to help improve the map, something that is done with any FH posted map no matter whether it is considered finished or not. A lot of us are pretty harsh in our feedback, and no, we don't always play the map first, but if I could suggest an alternative to being confrontational when someone posts something you don't agree with?

      Here is what I do with any criticism, and believe me I have gotten a lot of it I didn't agree with: If several people point something out as and issue, go back and play several games on the map yourself and pay attention to the proposed problem to see if you notice it more now or if it isn't a problem. That way there is no yelling and you can see for yourself whether changes need to be made or not.

      Yes, a lot of feedback from players who haven't played a map is bunk, I agree. But often there is truth scattered amongst the bunk.
    8. Waterfall
      The large one connecting the red base and middle structure is purely aesthetics.
      If you look at it you can see the support is a major LOS blocker from one base to the other.i put down that support without any of the detail but I put the pipe there to hide the fact that it is a LOS blocker ;)
    9. Waterfall
      Basically all I have done is main structures(these pics are slightly outdated( there is a bit more cover there now)

      But here

      Anyways no hard feeling from either end I guess.thanks for understanding my point of view in the end.
    10. Waterfall
      Hey sorry about our misunderstanding in your map thread.
      But "I will try to check out some of your maps"
      Don't bother,at least not yet.
      I have yet to release a map on forgehub.i am working on a btb map however if you would like a little map preview or to see it there is a link I will post soon for you to see.
    11. Spawn of Saltine
      Spawn of Saltine
      Not saying you were right in your idea of the map being competitive, but I very much enjoyed reading the thread you made about it! I didn't download your map, mostly because I don't even own reach anymore, but I did notice some casual and competitive elements in your map. Who would have thought that movie was a comedy!?
    12. FrozenGoathead
      Well then why did you send me a frien..... Never mind.
    13. FrozenGoathead
      Do I know you?
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  • About

    Pittsburgh PA
    Filmmaker turned Halo addict.

    My K/D ratio and BPR are terrible due to the fact that I lived with a bunch of uncoordinated drunks for the past 2 years... Just so you know.


    Film/ Video, Pittsburgh sports, women


    3 of many maps:
    Find God II, Find God, Trench Run