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Dec 10, 2022 at 1:27 AM
May 5, 2011
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Minion was last seen:
Dec 10, 2022
    1. oomishday3
      On our channel (me and oldmps) we feature cool maps. Usually we do race and infection. To get featured you just have to have a map that has something cool, new, and different about it. I try to be the most unique forger I can and I reward people who are really creative and skilled. I'm not going to guarantee you a video or anything I'm just saying you should give me the link to your thread whenever you make a map you think is really cool and I might feature it. I don't have time to make a whole lot of videos because of school so I try to look for the best ones I can find. Our channel has about 1615 subscribers right now so it is cool to see your name in shining lights, so to speak. I know we aren't super famous at all but it's still kinda cool :)
    2. oomishday3
      If you post on my "forge hub wall" or whatever it's called whenever you make a new map I'm always looking for cool maps to feature on my youtube channel :)
    3. REMkings
      No problem, I hope your lobby will grow a little bit soon. If not, I'm sorry.
      Like I said I will try and get more people to sign up for Round 4 this time.
    4. REMkings
      No man sorry I can't get online. Are you sure you said you were hosting on Friday? Cause usually there should be at least 1 person knowing about the lobby, even if there are only 3..
      Good tip: Search for these three gamertags:
      INSNMC PlayTest
      A01 THFE inv
      ZZZ Play

      and go to their friends lists, and invite everyone that's online. Hopefully it'll help.
    5. REMkings
      No problem.
    6. REMkings
      Yeah okay then just leave it the way it is. Maybe I can try and test it in my BIOC lobby next Sunday, to see how it plays. I'm not sure though, because the theme is Linear Progression maps, but we'll see.
    7. REMkings
      Ehm, well not yet because I'll have to play it first. But it's good that you made those changes, I look forward to the post. And I gotta find out about that subway soon :P

      Oh wait, I do have one more thing: maybe you can consider giving the humans limited ammo since they're weapons on the map. But I'm not sure if you only used ARs or also other weapons. Did you use other, (power) weapons?
    8. REMkings
      Also, I would remove the waypoint above the human's heads since it's too easy for the zombies and too hard for the humans to play if you keep it. Besides, the motion sensor should already be enough for the zombies. But just think about it, and if you have any reasons to keep it just let me know.

      Finally, some positive things about the new map and gametype:
      1. The rubble looks natural and realistic.
      2. You did a good job removing the active camo ability and adding sprint.
      3. I don't think there's any framerate drops anymore, at least not with the amount of players we played it.
      4. Camping is absolutely impossible, although "holding out" is definitely a wise strategy.

      Overall, very good job on the changes, I look forward to more testing. :)
    9. REMkings
      I did the same thing with Lone Souls in a Lost Mine, imagine what would happen if the humans would have spawned all over the place. Exactly, total confusion. Now I'm not saying that it's required to be done for every map (although Lone Souls does need it), and I think your map could definitely do without it, but it's just a helpful tip and it will make it easier to navigate.
      There's more why it's too hard for the humans. If you, other than the difficult coordination, also 1) have Invisible zombies hunting you, 2) can only take 1 hit before dying and 3) have a waypoint on your head so zombies can always find you and sneak up on you, especially since they have a motion sensor as well, it's simply too hard for the humans.
      So I would suggest thinking of a way to fix that. I'd probably since remove the invisibility: humans can't have headshot kills anyway and this way there's actually a reason for them to pick up the assault rifles I noticed on some spots on the map.
    10. REMkings
      Your map looks really awesome, but every round I already got infected before I could find out where you put that new subway. And once I was infected, it was only a matter of time before the round would end because the rest of the humans would get infected very soon as well. There lies immediately my biggest problem with the map/gametype: It's waaaay too hard for the humans to survive. Also, at the beginning of the round you spawn in a different location everytime, which will be confusing during the first rounds of the game since people don't know their way around yet. I would suggest putting all the initial spawns points in the same place, so humans can work together and after a while they'll know where to go if they want to move to a specific location.
    11. REMkings
    12. REMkings
      They look pretty cool. I'm not a big fan of the last one, I like the spartan in the middle but the red scratches seem a little random and out of place. Nice attempt though, keep this up because it looks pretty good in general :)
    13. REMkings
      I'm still working on it, since I can only play on the xbox in the weekends and then only a few hours per day, it takes really long to finish maps. Next summer I'll have plenty more time to forge, though, so I should be able to finish quite a lot of maps by then.
      Maybe I'll be able to finish this map beforehand, maybe not. Either way, I'll try and finish it first before releasing it ;)
      Don't worry, I'll definitely post it on ForgeHub by the time it's totally done and tested. And thanks for the compliment, even though the map is only in its early stages :D
    14. REMkings
      It's awesome.
    15. DethofHumanity
      I'd really like to join BIOC but I kinda have an on-call job and I don't really know when I have to work until that day.
    16. REMkings
      Ok well like I said, if you could put the best game(s) (the best game can be the one with the greatest gameplay, or the one on the best map, etc.) in your fileshare, then I can use them for the YouTube channel recap videos. If you also still have clips from Round 1 then please do the same for that round.
    17. REMkings
      Could you try and post the recap of Round 2 asap?
      Also, did you do what I asked you guys in this post down below?
    18. REMkings
      Hey it's probably already too late by now if you didn't do it automatically, but could you please save the whole clips of your games in BIOC 2 other than only screenshots? I could use them really well for Recap videos about the first rounds, and it would be kind of lame if I only used my own clips for a whole video ;)
      If you saved them, please just upload them to your fileshare and let me and/or Mr Pokephile know, then I will take care of it and he can make a videos of it in the (near - hopefully) future.
    19. REMkings
      Huh but that's 8 AM EST right? In that case I didn't have to change anything ?
    20. REMkings
      Anyway I changed it
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