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Nov 25, 2008
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Legendary, from Fall Amy, Fly

Forge Critic Senior Member
RightSideTheory was last seen:
Feb 13, 2018
    1. Noxiw
      WAT OMG

    2. Monolith
      Okay, that's fine. I may make a random contest sometime soon and/or a shop (but not right now). Depends on whether I'll want to or not a bit later. Hopefully G&A gets more attention/activity, it'd be nice to get SOTW going again :D
    3. Monolith
      Yeah, I can respect that.. but it used to be big so it doesn't necessarily have to be such a formal thing. Also, it sounds like KB doesn't really care if someone continues to post 'em for fun, from this post

      I used to be more active, I went through a year stretch where I posted around 40+ sigs. I could open a sig shop but I have a feeling that would get overwhelming fast. I may just put up a sig shop if this doesn't work tho. However, my point being, being an example doesn't do much because I already pretty much did that

      Edit: I'm studying in uni so I wouldn't want to get caugh up in people's sig requests
    4. Monolith
      People want to express themselves, not get a tasteless objective.. that's the main thing.
    5. Monolith
      I think SOTW has died so there's no need to be very formal about it. Just make it casual and come up with some really interesting themes and I think more people will want to post. Like music or comics or whatever peopel really like. Or just make it funny.

      Plus, I don't mean to make it formal, i'd personally like to have something other than CnC <- just gets bland
    6. Monolith
    7. Organite
      If by foursome you mean her and her and me and you then I'm game ;]
    8. Organite
      We should meet them up for a playdate or something.
      Halfway sound good?
    9. Organite
      my gf literally loves Dubstep cat
    10. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Oh yeah, the raviolis are better
    11. Black Theorem
    12. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      I chose Mexican. Ironically, I don't even remember what beefaroni is, only the name.
    13. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo

      Maybe I should eat some of that beefaroni. Ironically, of course!
    14. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Nah, ironception would be like Iron Will got turned into Iron. This is, ironically, more like Ironiception.
    15. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Oh yeah. I wish I were as ironically cool as him. Ironically, I'm not.
    16. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Solid Sparkle left them with a warning.
    17. Organite
      holy hell...

      well... we could tear **** up but out of two people it's anyone's guess as to who could have done it x]
    18. SargeantSarcasm

      now you know.

      and if you don't know now you know (you know you know)

    19. SargeantSarcasm
      lol... once you finish the series you'll learn that not only are such questions wholly unimportant, but it's all about your own interpretation.

      seriously, finish the series.
    20. Jex Yoyo