Oakly HiDef
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Mar 15, 2013 at 10:34 PM
Jun 22, 2008
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"I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" -Ronald M

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Oakly HiDef

RivalMass, from Washington

Senior Member
Oakly HiDef was last seen:
Mar 15, 2013
    1. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Alright, your in western time right?
    2. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      This coming week, when do you think you'll be available to do some recording?
    3. SawtoothMoney86
      map name updated
    4. SawtoothMoney86
      k thanks love the picture, i have some ideas on what to do and i'll hope on reach soon and the name changed, no need to worym sorry i didn't reply to your messages sooner i only go on forgehub once a day. also i was thinking we could take a pic of spawning, i had an idea and i think i'll try it, it's caled deleting the room and taking a picture, not sure if it will work though, the pics look great and when your ready i'm ready, i'll send another message when the name is changed
    5. Minion
      hey man, I already posted V2 in the casual playlist if you want to check it out.
    6. REMkings
      Okay awesome. Well Island Complex is definitely a lot better than any Invasion map forged by me would be, haha. But yeah, I don't have any experience whatsoever so it's not like I tried yet
    7. REMkings
      Oakley, you should definitely submit Island Complex to the Library before it's too late!!
      It's one of the very best Invasion maps I've ever played, and it supports fireteams, cancels any framerate drops and is very balanced and original! Just do it, I'm sure 343i will like it! :)
    8. REMkings
      Good news, I have the final map in my fileshare. The gametype was already in there.
      So now you can go and check them out, and use them for that feature video :)

      Map & Gametype links.
    9. fud4fatboY
      ok well thanks anyways. lesson is never give the password out and save the videos
    10. fud4fatboY
      hey just wanted to talk a little. first off you know that forge skyscraper tutorial i made for you? well when your featuring it, if you include my channel its not there any more. we are RetirementGaming now. a dushe bag who i kicked out of the channel a little back deleted the whole channel and now have to start from scatch. if you have any way to get all the videos back please tell me
    11. REMkings
      Well, okay, it's alright, but I'm pretty much the only one of the hosts who's able to fill his lobby even if there aren't that many sign ups, since guys like you and Redy know how to get quite some people in the lobby. So for me, it's not that big of a deal, but for the other hosts this round might turn out as a total failure.
      But I don't blame you, not at all, I know about the current situation and I totally understand, but it's just a pity for those hosts. ;)
      Hopefully we'll have more luck next time, thanks anyway :D
    12. REMkings
      I decided to move the deadline to one day later to give the THFE subs a little more time.
      New deadline is
      Saturday March 24th, 12 PM EST.

      I hope you didn't make the video already, otherwise never mind and just leave it that way, because I already told the person that will close the thread for me that there is a new deadline, and most THFE sign ups won't notice it anyway if they're already too late and yet are still able to post a comment, so I don't think it's a problem if you still have the old deadline.
    13. REMkings
      If you could get around with it could you please try to post the new BIOC video as soon as possible? I know it's difficult now that Darth is moving but it's really important to get it out as soon as possible since the deadline is already next Friday this time (one day earlier) and not everyone watches the THFE videos on the same day they come out, and of course the earlier it's out the more peope will sign up. And the more people that sign up the better, even though it could take me a while to order them in the lobbies :)
      Thanks in advance
    14. Waterfall
      Ok then thanks anyways ;)
    15. Waterfall
      Thank you for joining ffc but I was wondering. Do you have any experience in hosting lobby's? I don't care if they are event lobby's or just lobby's with friends. I'll assume you do but we all know what they say about assuming.
    16. REMkings
      Thanks man, if you could also tell them that they have to keep signing up for each round, and that there is a sign up thread every two weeks, that would be great!
    17. REMkings
      And yeah, once again just tell them everything you told them in the two previous vids, especially that signing up means showing up or warning us in time if you can no longer attend
    18. REMkings
      Hey Oakley, I have a link for the new sign up thread here. I don't know but if you could make another video for it and this time try to convince Darth to put it on THFE, that would be awesome :P (If you read this Darth: No offence, it just that I noticed there's a significant increase of sign ups when it's on your channel xD)

      Here it is: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/customs-lobby/137780-round-3-week-13-sign-up-now.html

      If you could also direct them to our social group, and tell them that they should click on group tools and select "subscribe to this group", then they know when there's new stuff online and when we post new sign up thread and recap threads and such. However, I'm afraid that after a while it stops sending you reminders when there are new posts, because that's how it works with regular threads that I'm subscribed to: after a while I don't receive any notifications anymore. :S
      But I don't know how that works with social groups so it's worth the shot
    19. xSoGx Grim
      xSoGx Grim
      Not sure how long ago you sent that message, but I am up for some judgin'
    20. oomishday3
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    "I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" -Ronald M
    Oakley HiDef



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