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Feb 13, 2022 at 4:07 PM
Jul 1, 2011
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Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:
Groningen, Netherlands

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BIOC, Male, from Groningen, Netherlands

Forge Critic Senior Member

I finally have Halo 5! Man, this Forge is confusing. But boy am I looking forward to all the things I'm planning to make! Dec 24, 2015

REMkings was last seen:
Feb 13, 2022
    1. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      did u see my sniper town map i posted in casual?
    2. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      i have been working on a new map and forgot
    3. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      how many initial spawn points should i put in a game for assault?
    4. Minion
      hey, when can you go online? I think I will be able to in a couple of hours. I have a map to play on that I just finished making the basic structure for, I also wouldn't mind trying my Resistance in an infected city. The main reason I'm asking is because it's helpful to get other peoples feedback, and none of my other friends on xbox are on forgehub.
    5. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      I've posted Bayfalls to the forums, check out my thread and tell me what you think.
      It should be working because I just online but it's DEADRECKONIN6. Let me know if it still doesn't work. Thxs
    7. Minion
      here are the links: GAMETYPE and MAP
    8. Minion
      I should have the links in a couple minutes. I'm editing a few last minute things. Also, could you try to give me a lot of negative feedback instead of positive, because I find negative feedback a lot more helpful. Thanks.
    9. Minion
      When can you go online, I want to show you my v2 of Resistance in an infected city. It's really fun and I added lots of LOS blockers, changed the special fx, removed the parking lot and replaced it with a building. I made doors, that can't be opened really nice, and on the new building you can go climb up to the balconies by jumping on rubble. I also changed the gametype so you have infinite ammo but not bottomless clip. I tested it with a full lobby and really liked it. Just wondering if you could do it in your BIOC or come online to help me. It was actually really hard to improve because I had 0 budget at the end of v1
    10. Minion
      also, in lsialm, lots of idiots kept killing themselves in the killball. Also, when they were about to die by zombies, they'd just kill themselves, and respawn.
    11. Minion
      wtf is that? Anyway, I'll send you the link soon. I need to do some minor tweaks first.
    12. Redy
      Forge Hub Con 2012

      Forge Hub Con 2012

      You are not the central guy, is it? Lol, just kidding bro. ;D
    13. SpartanPeter
      Maar ik kom terug, ook met mijn eerst gepubliceerde map, je hebt gelijk over school daar moet ik me eerst mee bezig houden, maar ik heb al 50/55 procent van de eerste map af, en al een stukje verhaal geschreven :D en ik zal voor de rest van BIOC als er geen omstandigheden zijn inschrijven.
    14. oomishday3
    15. Puntage
      don't stress about me too much, i'm still a rookie, just registered up today. Alot of time left for me to get active on the forums and join the BIOC or any other event some other time
    16. Puntage
      I guess I miss calculated the times then, my bad in that :) GL in the BIOC, i'll be sure to sign up alot earlier next time
    17. Cryptic Sin
      Cryptic Sin
      I understand, my friend! It's fortunate enough that you guys are pushing Survival Infection to begin with. I'm proud of you guys and hope we finally take off!
    18. oomishday3

      I fixed up Inf_10 and finally finished Inf_8 (out of order, I know). I am putting the links for everything below. I think Inf_8 is more fun than Inf_10. If you're testing them still in BIOC I think Inf_8 would be better, especially for larger groups. I provided a gametype for each too.

      Inf 8 download : Halo Reach : File Details

      Inf 8 gametype : Halo Reach : File Details

      Inf_10 download (new version) : Halo Reach : File Details

      Inf_10 gametype : Halo Reach : File Details

      Thanks :D
    19. Redy
      luisoctavio8 , lets talk in the lolbox.
    20. Redy
      Perfect, this is great at the moment.
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Groningen, Netherlands
    REMkings is the xbox account used by the brothers R, E and M.
    I am R, the oldest one, and I'm the one to mostly play Halo and forge stuff and I'm also the owner of this ForgeHub account.

    I'm one of the BIOC staff members, so if you have any questions, feel free to leave me a VM down below. I'm always up for just some casual chitchatting as well so don't be afraid to contact me.
    And in case you were wondering, yes I am that guy called Meesterlijker from YouTube. :p

    Drawing, Sports (Track & Field), Watching Movies, LOTR, and of course Forging are interests of mine.



    My Infection maps:
    Lone Souls in a Lost Mine (FHF) | Deadborough (FHF) | Favela Run (3rd place in HotD3)

    My Flood maps:
    Destitute in Chains (Featured | 2nd place in Insanmiac's BotD) | 8 O'Clock Reminiscence (FHF) | When Running Fails (preview) | Favela Vengeance (preview) | Far from Eden (preview)

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