Cryptic Sin
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12y 14w ago
Oct 14, 2010
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Cryptic Sin

Forerunner, from New York

Cryptic Sin was last seen:
Dec 5, 2012
    1. REMkings
      Okay, yeah it's okay, everyone's busy with stuff. I'm very busy with school, also.
      Anyway just give me your username and I'll add you.
    2. REMkings
      Hey Cryptic, how are things going with the Survival Infection guide?
    3. REMkings
      Leave your host template for Round 4 before it's too late!!!
      PS: I'm sorry I didn't warn you the other day, I must have overseen your name :S
    4. REMkings
    5. REMkings
      Yeah I see, I was just panicing a little because of the little amount of sign ups so far. I don't blame you or any other members of the staff, I was only a little worried ;)
    6. REMkings
      Man we gotta get people to sign up! Only 23 up to now and deadline is in two days :(
    7. Ticky
      Ok Ill try and get it up soon... I got things going on as well.
    8. Ticky
      I know you don't like Halo 3, you like Reach, what do you think of this so far then
    9. REMkings
      You really want me to delete that thread? You can also just post a link in there to a thread elsewhere, once you're done writing the guide
    10. REMkings
      Nope, I've been encountering that problem myself a lot as well lately, I suggest just posting it in the Customs Lobby and link to it in that thread in the group.
    11. Ticky
      Hey uhhh, ya comin'?
    12. REMkings
      Hey, 3 important things:

      1. I posted a new thread, well 2 actually, about the lists of gt's for each lobby so the hosts know who should attend at their lobby. Please go check it out and read all of it accurately. And don't forget to read the second thread too.
      2. I posted a recap thread as well, where u should leave your recap of the first round. Just read it & it'll explain everything.
      3. Finally, I also posted a new template thread, so if u already know if u want to host in two weeks during the 2nd round, then go ahead and leave your template!

      Please check them out asap, thx!
    13. Ticky
      The video should be in my fileshare by later today.
    14. Ticky
      I'll see if I still have it...
    15. Ticky
      Just wanted you to know, I played S.T.A.R.S. with a full party and it was awesome :D
    16. REMkings
      Please go here and tell me what you think. (the @Everyone part)
    17. REMkings
      Okay, that is clarifying (about the balance/imbalance thingy), thx
    18. Ticky
      I would say it's not Survival Infection, but here
    19. REMkings
      I'll edit it in the Sign-Up
    20. REMkings
      I've had more people asking me for good infection maps, so if you're looking for maps I think this Google Spreadsheet is a good idea to check out.
      I've put a lot of amazing infection maps in that list, and I'm still not done (probably never will :P)

      Also, Berb created a Database on ForgeHub where he listed some of the maps from the Spreadsheet with an alphabetic sort of the creators

      If you want I can add you to Ticky's lobby as a co-host but you can also just sign up and put him first on your preference list, there are not that many sign ups yet so you're pretty much guaranteed to end up in his lobby