(Had to split this up due to character limits) Plus, the rock path is the best way to approach top mid, can see custom, and is a great counter to the two initial spawn rooms because it can see all the exits from them (minus the hallways going to bottom mid, which is why the new tunnel is such a good addition) so if you play for awhile, you'll take that route more often. And if that drop down was open, someone top mid could see and get ready for someone approaching from rock path or flank them from behind. Could be a 1v1/2v2 difference, though. I dunno. Anyways, there's my explanation. :P
So after playing a game on the newest version (No hallway drop down, tunnel in place of tele) I decided I like the map now. I was starting to doubt it previously, but it's good now. Tyrant was indifferent on your drop down thing, and I didn't talk to him much after the game but I thought about it and: 1.) It's a really weird transition. 2.) When I 1v1'd Tyrant, guessing spawns was easy (for him anyways, I wasn't thinking that hard) and he ran me really well for 2-3 kills. We decided that when you have top control spawn guessing/killing is pretty easy. If I had that drop down open, the top would have more power than it already does and would be able to spawn kill people who spawn in the back hallway as well.
I think if we built it from the ground up and offered actual content as opposed to just a forum, we'd be able to offer some level of staying power. But the real issue is, why would any one want to go to a smaller community when we've got FH and the likes? Strangely enough, I think Reaching Perfection is a fairly good model to base starting up our community on. I'm seriously interested in doing this dude.
I couldn't agree more. I've listened to some rap recently where the rhyming is so forced it makes me laugh..Whenever I listen to Eminem, I don't hear/see that problem.
I'm considering making changed to Lune. If you would be so kind to help me, when I feel the time is right, I would really appreciate it.
Yeah, that twist surprised me. These are interesting, I'll give him that. I never thought this highly of a rap artist before. He knows how to string sentances together; it's almost poetic how well he pieces apart his rhymes. And the best part is that I can actually look for a deeper meaning in the text.
I think me getting into poetry has got me starting to appreciate rap as well. "Caught a piece of shrapnel in the adam's apple. Two cups of holy water and I'm looking at em half full" I easily liked that one more than Bonnie and Clyde, thanks.
D12 how come - YouTube Eminem - Revelation (Eminem Only) - YouTube Eminem - The Last Hit (Eminem Only) - YouTube Eminem - Hellbound Lyrics - YouTube
That's fine, I generally don't co-forge either. Just so you know, if you hadn't been bashing my maps in that lobby I would've just promoted you to leader to test yours if you had asked. You and your friend didn't have to lie to get it, and you actually would've ended up with a decent test. Just ask next time.