Mr Pokephile
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Mar 9, 2019 at 1:31 PM
Jan 14, 2008
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May 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
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Mr Pokephile

Forge Labs, from Ontario,Canada

Forge Critic Senior Member
Mr Pokephile was last seen:
Mar 9, 2019
    1. REMkings
    2. Nutduster
      It's all good. :) Thanks for doing this man, I really appreciate it!
    3. REMkings
      Sure. :D

      EDIT: Never mind, I just remembered that the reason why I said you should really take a look at it, was because it was submitted for your Community Creations as well (I also mentioned this in my previous vm :P). So yeah, you can also just find the link in there.
    4. REMkings
      I would definitely consider featuring Spooner St, seeing it was submitted for Community Creations as well!
      It was this map we played back when we recorded the footage for Lone Souls together with Oakley, and it was an amazing map as far as I can recall!
    5. xzamplez
      Sweet video, man! Thanks for picking my map.
    6. REMkings
      Hey Sean, could you get on Skype now?
      Oh and can I remove those clips from my fileshare?
    7. REMkings
      Thanks man, that's quick. I'll try and work on that script as soon as possible.
      Also, there are already 3 clips in my fileshare, called BIOC 1, 2 and 3. Could you already download those? I'm planning to create a lot more from the first round but these are already some clips you can take a look at, and after you received all of it you can make up your mind on which ones and which parts to use for the intro vid.
      I filmed all of them from my perspective but that doesn't mean it's also me who's in the center of the action, or that there are not multiple cool moments of action in 1 clip. Ah, whatever, you'll figure it out :)
    8. REMkings
      Here they are:

      Forge The Future Redux Ep. 1: Discovery - YouTube

      Forge The Future Redux Ep. 2: Koukamoshi Garden - YouTube

      Well, what do you think of these two ideas for the channel?
    9. REMkings
      and secondly, we should create Database featured map videos in the future, starting off with the two maps that are showcased in March, i.e. Pandora's Fear and Of Legions. So just a monthly video showing off the two maps that were showcased that month, giving them some extra intention. Insanmiac uses a great style to showcase maps in quick videos for his new setup for Forge the Future, and I'm thinking about the same style but then twice as long since we show two maps. Once again, showing the maps, but this time not just a flythrough but also switching between overlooks of the map and gameplay perspectives. I'll post two videos with that news FtF setup in my final post, above this one
    10. REMkings
      Just like they do it, we should show some maps in a 8-15 min long video, and add the title of the map when a new map shows up in the video, and in the description just put a link to the Database on ForgeHub where they can find some of the maps (links don't always work cause we can also use testing maps and they don't have final links yet.) --> for that reason Forge Cafe doesn't use links either, but they don't have a Database like we do

    11. REMkings
      Hey man, I have some interesting plans I will already tell you so you can work on it after you will be done with the introduction video (which you can obviously only start working on after I sent you those clips and the script).
      We should make recap videos of each round, showing some maps that were played by justing doing a flythrough with some gameplay in the background, and putting some nice music over it. These guys do it in the exact way as how I picture it, I really like that style of recapping: ForgeCafeVideos's Channel - YouTube
      (Simply watch some of the FCCGN Recap Videos to get an impression)

    12. REMkings
    13. REMkings
      Sean, if you wanna host for round 3 you have to leave your template as soon as possible, cause the deadline has almost been reached already!!
    14. REMkings
      I've been pretty busy lately so it was kind of hard to get those clips to ya, but I will come back to that soon. I already created a few, all of them from my perspective, but note that that doesn't immediately mean it's also me who's in the center of the action! Sometimes there's another part of the clip that is also intense, or it's only about that part (but in that last case I'll probably won't film myself, unless I was close to it or something). You'll figure it out, just don't be too quick with focussing on my point of view only.
      The reason why I filmed from my point of view is because it's much quicker and easier to get many clips that way. And since you can fly around yourself anyway it doesn't matter how I film it, but you already know that.
    15. REMkings
      Yeah well you can't really do the first thing, because it's about Round 2 and you're not one of thoses hosts ;)
      But thanks :)
    16. REMkings
    17. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Mr. other awesome (Ex-Staff) Canadian, Bl00d F1r3!
    18. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      I just realized you you were.
    19. xSharpshooter94
      Lol that would be funny as ****. Perhaps if I get the time.
    20. Xyl007
      Yes? You need anything bro?
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    May 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Home Page:
    Mr Pokephile
    aDamnCivilian sucks


    Forge Labs
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