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Sep 23, 2013 at 11:43 PM
Oct 6, 2010
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Senior Member, from Philly

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waka waka Sep 14, 2013

PacMonster1 was last seen:
Sep 23, 2013
    1. Transactionzero
      /eats pacmonster
    2. Noxiw
      I haven't seen it. D:

      I read it in Dori's voice from Nemo. :3
    3. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      What is the purpose of that?
    4. Monolith
      Too late, I replied 8 min ago
    5. Monolith
      Thanks much man
    6. serumembryo
      Your TT high way 9 made my day.

      Thank you sir.
    7. FrozenGoathead
    8. RightSideTheory
    9. Matty
      physics what?
    10. SargeantSarcasm
    11. Tedium
    12. Pegasi
      Both of you had sustained discussion in there which pertained only to your semantic discussion. There was nothing infractable aside from that off topic discussion, which is thankfully up to discretion and I had no mind to infract both of you. The fact that you vented in a reported post and are keeping this going on my wall shows that you're having as much trouble just dropping this meaningless point as he is. I know what it's like to get caught up, hence the addendum to my post, but I'm not doing this, I suggest you don't either.
    13. Neoshadow
      I know that feel, man.
      It's best just to drop it, seriously. They'll have no one to argue with and will fizzle out.
    14. ♥ Sky
      ♥ Sky
      thank god you have your head screwed on properly. some people can't see the wood for the ****ing trees.
    15. PacMonster1
      just type epic rap battles leonidas vs Master Chief into youtube. I made the gif myself out of a scene near the end.
    16. Xun
      Have you got a link to the original video you're using for your avatar? It's always intrigued me but it's too damn small to see.
    17. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      I have to wait four whole days?

    18. SargeantSarcasm
      no, I've always liked it, but I didn't truly appreciate how layered and clever it was until I watched it again for the review.

      as for praising it, I've always had to toe different lines, namely overselling it (and thus killing it) vs simple statement, and detail vs spoilers. The former has always been a personal issue, which is why I just watch trailers and ignore everything else (unless someone personally recommends it). The latter has been an issue with writing, since I always want to just sit there and analyze the movies I review, but if the goal is to inform them on an opinion (i.e. whether or not to watch it) it becomes something else if I'm like "The scene where X gets shot and dies is spectacular because..."

      I really have a problem with Roger Ebert's reviews as a result of that last bit, because he does that and doesn't preface his work by stating he'll be ruining big moments. lol
    19. Xun
      I kinda knew it was going to suck, but I jut wanted to see what it was like for myself. Think I got about an hour into it, which was an hour too long. Looks nice, but lacked substance.

      ME3 looks cool, but one of my friends is going to buy it so I'll probably end up borrowing it from him.
    20. Xun
      You were right, Avatar the game is pretty terrible. Same thing over and over again. On the plus side, Enslaved is pretty secksi. Haven't played Syndicate yet, though. Have you?
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