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Dec 10, 2022 at 1:27 AM
May 5, 2011
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Senior Member
Minion was last seen:
Dec 10, 2022
    1. Yakeem
      Did you like Boats.
    2. REMkings
      And wow, those guys are really dumb. Next time I hope they'll read the actual times before signing up for your lobby, lol.
    3. REMkings
      Well, if the maps were submitted in the sign up thread, then not. Then you would have just told them any feedback in the party chat. If they were submitted in the submission thread, then it depends on if you want to or not. So if you want to, go ahead and tell them. You could do this either in a visitor message (or PM) or in the feedback thread in the general group. Please don't provide it in the submissions thread as it is meant for submissions only and nothing else.
    4. PA1NTS
      ok thanks alot
    5. PA1NTS
      not really, cause theres already been a newer version with the framerate fixes, and that was the only thing i wanted to change. what did u think of it though overall? any problems besides the framerate in version 2.1?
    6. REMkings
      I have to work in 15 minutes, sorry :(
      If I come online it would only be for 10 minutes at max
    7. REMkings
      Great, that's great. I'm glad people joined after all, hopefully they'll be in time next time.
    8. REMkings
      Great, maybe it helped that I just reminded them :)
    9. REMkings
      Ok, if you're online I'll invite you.
      I'm really disappointed in all these people that just let you down like that. :(

      A few pro maps for small parties (try these instead of other, bigger maps):
      - Of Legions
      - Pandora's Fear
      - Malicious Mines
      - Nowhere, USA
      - Dead Frontier

      Download links are all in the Master list of maps. (Google Spreadsheet)
    10. REMkings
      hey it's probably too late for you anyway but if you want I can also just add you to my lobby tomorrow so you can still play on some sick Infection maps. And about the maps in your lobby that need testing: you can ask Redy93 if he wants to test those for you, I already have some maps for myself to test so I can't really do it. (Redy will take over my lobby when I have to go)
    11. REMkings
      I'll make sure that people won't just disrespect us like that in the future. I'll try and get you some more guys even though I'm not online myself (my brother is).
    12. REMkings
      Very well done. Okay, in 5 minutes submissions will close and I'll create the new sign up thread soon.
    13. REMkings
      No, probably not, I just woke up, sorry. Maybe later today but I will also be on tomorrow around 6 PM CET, hopefully that's not too late for you. Sorry.

      And Minion please submit your template for Round 2 NOW if you want to host!! The deadline is in one hour already!!
    14. SIERRA420
      If you would like to test Parts Unknown I would gladly show you weapon spawns, jumps, etc. about the map. My GT = my username here.
    15. REMkings
      You can't. It's their fault so it's not your problem. If they start to complain just tell me that they did something wrong by not putting it in their fileshare.
    16. REMkings
      Sure but I would like to forge myself as well so I'd like to do it quickly if you don't mind
    17. REMkings
      I'll be on in 30 minutes. Can you wait that long?
    18. REMkings
      Great, good job. Hope you like it!
    19. REMkings
      Hey and if you were still planning to play LSIALM in your lobby, then you should download these first: : Halo Reach : File Details : Halo Reach : File Details

      These are the versions that are pretty much 99% done, I finally finished the map but the only thing I will need to do next is to get rid of some minor flashing. But these should do the job, so go ahead and use these versions if you like! :)
    20. REMkings
      Well, for now it is, yes. But of course next Sunday you should be online about 20-30 minutes before your lobby starts, and then at your beginning time you start inviting everyone that replied in the order of the list (not the order of replying). Just read it in the staff group, it explains everything. But just ask me if you have any questions
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