Oakly HiDef
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Mar 15, 2013 at 10:34 PM
Jun 22, 2008
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"I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" -Ronald M

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Oakly HiDef

RivalMass, from Washington

Senior Member
Oakly HiDef was last seen:
Mar 15, 2013
    1. LD
      sorry for the late response, I was at an exhibition near france and the internet there sucked too much for me to watch it.

      Anyway, I'd like to thank you so much for putting so much work into that video and for promoting my work! I really feed honored that you did that, especially as a big fan of your channel
    2. fud4fatboY
      *awsome, auto correct hahaha
    3. fud4fatboY
      Wsome, thanks dude
    4. fud4fatboY
      hey just wanted you to see the video i made for a skyscrapers tutorial. also heres the link- Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details

      heres the video- forge skyscraper- aesthetics and mechanics - YouTube
    5. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      For sure, thanks again. I'll probably be online a lot this week/during the day. Also all next week during the day aswel (It's spring break here in Canada). Thanks again! :)
    6. jacko1006
      Sorry for such a late reply! That sounds really good to me! I'm a huge fan of your channel and would love to do exactly that! I'm at GMT so give me a time and i'll come online and do it. Baring in mind I have school during the week and football on weekends, but i'll do my best to work around that! My gamertag is: JustDisgustiD so msg me up and we'll organise something. Cheers
    7. REMkings

      You can now already sign up for Round 2 of BIOC. The earlier you sign up the more chance you have to end up in your preferred lobby, so be quick!
      To stay up to date about BIOC, please visit our social group daily or go and subscribe to it, by clicking on Group Tools and then selecting "Subscribe to this Group". Thanks in advance!

      On behalf of the BIOC Crew,
      - REMkings
    8. Redy
      Hey Oakley, whats up? Thank you for inviting me to play on the last Thursday ;D I would like to ask your permission for my TGIF images, because I played with friends in your banshee test version for the map "The Docks". So, any problem if I share some pictures of gameplay in that? Because the map has not been officially released for download on THFE yet. And as it was still a test version, I believe that should not have much impact. So, just contact me. ;D
    9. ZipZapZop
      It will happen...

    10. fud4fatboY
      did you look at it yet?
    11. fud4fatboY
      alright me and my friend ShardSlayer just finished the map for you guys. heres the link. i added some stuff and some really nice skyscrapers. Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details the name is wierd cause it thinks we are trying to spell rape in it lol.
    12. Rifte
      Your friend's list is full D:
    13. fud4fatboY
      awsome. i guess i will send you the link hopefully today. but it will be on my friends file share because i dont have enough room. hahhaa. anyways ill do my best.
    14. Rifte
      ok, i'll add you over xbl. my skype if riftegifle. also, it might just be because i'm canadian but west coast time is pacific coast time right? xd
    15. Rifte
      Hi, I'm really sorry, the last couple weeks have been packed but I got a month of xbl for my account now and I can definitely go on this friday night or sometime on saturday. Sorry about that.
    16. fud4fatboY
      Also if you liked the aesthetics of my map, I would be pleased to make a skyscraper tutorial for you guys on the halo forge epidemic. Just give me a day and I could give you a community forge tutorial map for you guys to do
    17. fud4fatboY
      thanks ill see what i can do. i have tested it and the gametype is made so that a few shots in the falcon and its done for. also the defenders have jet packs with unlimited and are faster so it does help. i couldnt get a full lobby so mabey you could download it and see what i could do. also i was thinking of making a second gametype that is for stockpile (mabey, its the one where vehicles can pick up flags) so each skyscraper has a flag (civilian) and the falcons need to pick it up and bring it back to base. the farther the skyscrapers are, the more points the flags are worth. ill probally work on it this weekend.
    18. fud4fatboY
      hey i have a map you should check out. we are a new channel on youtube that hasnt got much reconizion. (sorry at spelling, lol) ive made this one map that i think you will like. ive made a video of it and a post on forge hub. our channel is retirement gaming industires.

      heres the link to the post: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-mini-game-maps/137301-new-alexandria-post1498090.html

      that link also has the videos on it. please tell me what you think. thanks in advance.
    19. oomishday3
      I'm going for computer engineering but most of my friends are ME's, all the computer people are... weird lol. and getting the BIOC group to check out maps is a great way for you all to find awesome maps! My channel only has 1480 subscribers and I feel overwhelmed by the amount of maps submitted to me sometimes, I can only imagine for you guys
    20. oomishday3
      I'm also very busy with school, I feel your pain... I'm an engineering major :/ and REMkings found my map and says he's testing it on sunday with his BIOC lobby. I really like what you guys do on THFE, keep up the good work for real
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    "I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" -Ronald M
    Oakley HiDef



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