Shock Theta
Last Activity:
Jan 17, 2019 at 6:54 AM
Dec 3, 2007
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London, UK

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Shock Theta

Father of 4chub, from London, UK

Forge Critic Senior Member
Shock Theta was last seen:
Jan 17, 2019
    1. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      im proud to be apart of forgehub and thank your very much for all your help
    2. KITTY girl x
    3. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      please i want it to match my xbox gamertag
    4. KITTY girl x
      KITTY girl x
      can u please change my username to KITTY girl x
    5. Roche178
      A Thousand Years of Dreams: Hanna's Departure - YouTube
    6. TexturedSun
      Hold me close ...

      Can you pleeeeeease re-instate my custom title? *insert big beaming smile and puppy-dog eyes*

      Can it be: ribbed for your pleasure
    7. Charles Stoot
      Charles Stoot
      I have a question or rather a suggestion.

      They should make it so that when an event that is combing up for forge hub.
      A message is sent to your Xbox or Xbox live account.

      Because some times people are not always checking the web site for when events are combing up.

      I think this should be for a subscribed thread subscribed to a thread or are a part of a group I mean there should be a computer system that sends it on the Xbox LIVE/ web site or something. That would work very well and be awesome.

      This is A suggestion from
      Charles J. Stoot.
      "It is Luck That you Failed"
    8. Skisma
    9. Zatherla
      Artchitects were brownish, I just dont think it's right to give them grey, and giving them a shade wont make it more confusing because you know they are in the category of getting 2 features in a halo game
    10. Zatherla
      Mhm, It's just not alot of people look at the tank image when on a person's profile, which is why the colors matter the most, and if you think they are too confusing, why not cut down on a few of them, for example, those architects worked hard for their 2+ featured, why not give them green with the artisans, it makes sense and it doesn't affect the 'messiness' of the colors, they are technically the same rank, just in different games. You could also do the shades aswell, artisans= dark green, architects = light green, so you know they are in the same category, this just tidies up the colors and makes it alot easier, without taking away what people earned.
    11. Skisma
      I agree with Zath, I actually came here to state the same thing. Either way, it's not that big a deal to me...but I do think jr mods should be a different shade of orange.

      And maybe were just impatient and you're working on this as we
    12. Zatherla
      Shock, This is just my opinion and a suggestion, but I think Jr. Mods/Guardians whatever they're called shouldn't be the same color as Mods. OR at least not the same shade, just something to differentiate them by, i know you're going to same something like 'their rank image wont be the same' and stuff, but say you're looking at the bottom of a thread or the forum home page, and its just the colors, how would new people tell the difference? maybe make mods dark orange and jr. mods light orange. This way you know they fall under the same category.
    13. Grif
      Riposa in pace old school.
    14. Grif
      I know you're busy and that there is a lot going on behind the scenes, but I'd like to say that Old School was used. Even if it was just by one. For all I know this could be temporary during an upgrade. Oh well.
    15. Berb
      I see you pissin' about with the layout of the recent posts...
      Made me lol
    16. DJMinkus
      Haha, just saw this now. Hopefully there was no expiration date on the offer. I'd like my custom title to be "My own man."
    17. AceOfSpades
      I like all the toned-down colors. Nice job :)
    18. Skisma
      Oh, I see now. Those are just the most noticeable ones. I can't really see a change in loyal IMO.
    19. Skisma
      cool colorz, is it just admin, journo and mods that get them?
    20. The Fish
      The Fish
      Thankies Shocky! =D
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  • About

    London, UK
    Shock Theta
    Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody is perhaps the most famous Auror of modern times, single-handedly responsible for capturing numerous wizard criminals. He is also said never to have killed his quarry - even when permitted to do so - unless he had no other choice. Moody's face is badly scarred and he has lost several body parts, including his left eye, right lower leg and part of his nose whilst fighting Dark wizards.