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Sep 23, 2013 at 11:43 PM
Oct 6, 2010
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Senior Member, from Philly

Senior Member

waka waka Sep 14, 2013

PacMonster1 was last seen:
Sep 23, 2013
    1. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Hey man, I saw what you proofed for Elite, and you were thorough and detailed throughout.

      I've been looking for a proofer for this distopia narrative I've put some effort into. If you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it a ton if you'd take a lookie through. It's not too too long; I think it clocks in at around 3000 words. So if you're interested, or just have some time to kill, let me know. ;]
      pac monster 1 i have a question
    3. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      I'm not watching these, btw.
    4. Jex Yoyo
    5. Transactionzero
    6. Transactionzero
    7. RightSideTheory
      I see your weird ass music video, and raise you Strobe.

      deadmau5 - Strobe - YouTube
    8. RightSideTheory
      deadmau5 - Raise Your Weapon - YouTube
    9. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      We started "playing not to lose", I hate when we do that. In the end we won a tough game against an underrated vandy team to clinch the SEC regular season title, good day overall if you ask me. lol
    10. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      It wasn't for people that already have a team they root for it was for introducing the "teams you should know" to those who are just tuning in, which would have been like the top 8 teams in the top 25. It's ok though, don't worry about it.
    11. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      I saw, not exactly what I had envisioned but it will do, good job.
    12. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Was gonna say lmao.

      If somebody edits a thread using IE, it randomly ****s **** up like that because of it trying to display the bbcode instantly, with no regard to logic or reason. I don't know what else causes it, thought.
    13. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      Do you use IE.....?
    14. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      I will update your table-list two minutes ago

      If you want to make it look cleaner, delete the random spaces you used to format on Word. The way table-shix works is that each ROW gets its own deal if you want it to align vertically AND horizontally, must the same as the floatright/left bbcode.
    15. Jex Yoyo
    16. Jex Yoyo
      Jex Yoyo
      What am I trying to format? I know how to do the table code, but I dont know what I am doing it with...
    17. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      But waiting until then defeats the point of why I want to do this now lol. The recaps don't have to go into detail about who has beat who but instead could be more of a breakdown of how the teams operate.
    18. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      Well my plan was to make it a little more in depth then normal to give those who may not have paid any attention to the sport until now a chance to catch up. Mostly this entailed a small season-thus-far recap for the top 8 or so teams and a list of the AP top 25 to be updated every Monday.
    19. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      Well I was going to but I'm having a severe case of writer's block and was actually going to ask if you would be interested in helping me put it together. lol
    20. Shad0w Viper
      Shad0w Viper
      Did you have plans to do the NCAA Basketball thread this year?
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