Mr Pokephile
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Mar 9, 2019 at 1:31 PM
Jan 14, 2008
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May 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
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Mr Pokephile

Forge Labs, from Ontario,Canada

Forge Critic Senior Member
Mr Pokephile was last seen:
Mar 9, 2019
    1. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Oh ok, I hadnt made the connection. Yeah im definitely still very interested in that map. This weekend I will probably be super busy but if you see me online shoot me a message and ill join if possible
    2. REMkings
      We should add each other on Skype so it's easier to chat and discuss your exact role in BIOC. Like I said, I have some ideas I'd like to share. Next Monday I'll officially invite you for our staff group because then round 1 will have ended. If you could add me on Skype beforehand that would be awesome - if you have Skype of course.
    3. REMkings
      I really think we could work together very well, I'm interested in your work and I will watch some of your videos now and see if I can already add them to our database. On the contrary, you would make a great recap video maker and maybe you could create some trailers or something every once in a while. We would have to figure it out.

      The reason I think that you're the right guy to do this is because your videos show true dedication and skill. They show that you are a true infection fan, you forge a lot of infection maps yourself - very good maps - and that you know a lot about infection. Also your videos look clean, they are appealing and well put together and your commentary is clarifying and elaborate. Also, your voice is pleasant to listen to.

      Today I will try and remove some guys from my friends list on the xbox so I can add you, my brothers are still on but in an hour or two I'll probably get my hands on and then I'll add you asap.
    4. REMkings
      Hey man, I added you. Looking forward to working with you concerning BIOC and stuff :)
    5. oomishday3
      hi im oomishday3
    6. Audienceofone
      Heisenberg was fun, it's all tested and the feedback is up. Check it out!
    7. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      oh haha yeah I forgot I had contacted you. Yeah feel free to send a request. I wont be online till monday though cause of thanksgiving
    8. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Ill send you some files in a bit
    9. Shock Theta
      Shock Theta
      All good! Getting back into forging, or just stopping by?
    10. Bloo Jay
      Bloo Jay
      Still looking for some help?
    11. broccollipie
      I won't be on until Saturday, though.
    12. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Sure I can show you a bit of the map and maybe even invite you to testing sessions. Go ahead and send me a friend invite, my gamertag is Oakley Hidef

      here is a video preview
      YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.
    13. SargeantSarcasm
      Lol how'd that come about, regarding your voice.

      And thanks, will do.
    14. SargeantSarcasm
      I'm going to be subsidizing my efforts (until I get subscribers) by writing short stories. Then for fun, writing a novel, writing reviews and musings on my site, and the odd machinima here and there.
    15. SargeantSarcasm
      I have scripts written, just haven't made them come to fruition. lol.
    16. SargeantSarcasm
      I'm using Final Cut for editing, the external needs clearing so I can use it as a scratch disk for that program.

      I'm clearing the internal so I can install windows so I can capture certain games on PC (since they run better or only run on windows).
    17. SargeantSarcasm
    18. SargeantSarcasm
      Either this week or next. Need to install windows on this (which means I need to clear this harddrive) and clear one of the externals I have to use as a scratch disk.
    19. SargeantSarcasm
      Awesome, thanks.

      I plan on my commentaries being very different, so I highly doubt I'd be direct competition (at least in terms of what people are looking for when they watch a video).
    20. SargeantSarcasm

      I'm just figuring out a plan of attack so I can get going in full force when I start. Best way to plan is by surveying people who are already there.
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  • About

    May 9, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Home Page:
    Mr Pokephile
    aDamnCivilian sucks


    Forge Labs
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