Last Activity:
Feb 13, 2022 at 4:07 PM
Jul 1, 2011
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Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
Home Page:
Groningen, Netherlands

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BIOC, Male, from Groningen, Netherlands

Forge Critic Senior Member

I finally have Halo 5! Man, this Forge is confusing. But boy am I looking forward to all the things I'm planning to make! Dec 24, 2015

REMkings was last seen:
Feb 13, 2022
    1. Redy
      Yeah I have Skype too, but I dont usually use much. Add "Luisoctavio8" this is the one I use to talk with my friends from school. Only one problem, lately when I talk on skype on my laptop, it seems that my microphone does not work, I can only hear them, but they do not listen to me, so I believe that I can talk to you only from the Chat.
    2. Xyl007
      Just to let you know, I got a new laptop, so I added some of the staff members on skype, including you.
    3. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      No I don't. I meant to say I wish I had artisian (which is green), but they only featured one of my maps.
    4. oomishday3
      i understand, whenever you get around to it i'll still want to feature it, i promise ;)
    5. oomishday3
      by new version i meant an improved update of the old map not an entirely new map, just make changes on it and send me a youtube message and i'll gladly feature it :)
    6. oomishday3
      if you make a new version and want to sumbit it for a single just send it in a message on youtube with the download link, if you aren't planning on making a new version you should still submit it, i haven't featured any minigames (other than my own) so it would be a nice change of pace.
    7. distorted
      it's too late for me to sign up....
    8. Yobo
      Oh ok thanks, but I can only be on for weekends, school's getting in the way.
    9. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Guess they finally took it off. I still host lobbies weekly... just not TGIF's. I perfer green over blue anyway, at least I tried :(
    10. Minion
      hey, so do we have to send the message to all of the people that are going to be in our lobby? If so, how do I do that?
    11. oomishday3
      oh wow, you're the guy that made the ice cream truck driver minigame with all the holograms? you just got 50 times cooler
    12. Redy
      Yeay Bro, I had some questions about our lobby. You already sent the messages for our guests? Because I can help you with that. And another important thing, lately I've been surprised by my activity in reach, REM, Every time I go online always have people wanting me to do a custom lobby by the way. Often I could barely enter into the title screen, immediately appears about 4-7 guys in my lobby. I believe that if I come before you on Sunday, we will be able to merge lobbys. I'm worried, because the number of sign ups were so many, we have approximately 19 people registered. Even if we leave the privacy to open, we will have to download more larger maps to this folks.
    13. Mr Pokephile
      Mr Pokephile
      Hey, this is Mr Pokephile
    14. oomishday3
      hey, i replied on xbox. thanks again, and im new to forge hub (as of yesterday) so if you have any advice or anything that would be AMAZING
    15. Ticky
      I will be sure to mention it, and I'm sure the lobby will be fun!
      Hey man I was just checking to see if I made the cut for the infection games and if I did do you know the host i'll be playing with. Thxs.
    17. Elliot
      Yeah man I've read it all. I have sent the message to all of my sign ups :)
    18. LT21j
      Hey I was never told what lobby I was in for the BIOC round one. Which one should I join?
    19. LD
      80 sign ups for BIOC? And some of them even joined just for BIOC? You are just awesome!
    20. oomishday3
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Groningen, Netherlands
    REMkings is the xbox account used by the brothers R, E and M.
    I am R, the oldest one, and I'm the one to mostly play Halo and forge stuff and I'm also the owner of this ForgeHub account.

    I'm one of the BIOC staff members, so if you have any questions, feel free to leave me a VM down below. I'm always up for just some casual chitchatting as well so don't be afraid to contact me.
    And in case you were wondering, yes I am that guy called Meesterlijker from YouTube. :p

    Drawing, Sports (Track & Field), Watching Movies, LOTR, and of course Forging are interests of mine.



    My Infection maps:
    Lone Souls in a Lost Mine (FHF) | Deadborough (FHF) | Favela Run (3rd place in HotD3)

    My Flood maps:
    Destitute in Chains (Featured | 2nd place in Insanmiac's BotD) | 8 O'Clock Reminiscence (FHF) | When Running Fails (preview) | Favela Vengeance (preview) | Far from Eden (preview)

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