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May 10, 2015 at 12:18 AM
Jun 26, 2010
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Aug 29, 1996 (Age: 28)

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serumembryo was last seen:
May 10, 2015
    1. Zigywig
      You've been on this site longer than me. How does one enter the holiness that is the chatbox ?0
    2. Skater

      Also, Kajin denied my friend request on LIVE. :(
    3. Skater
      Hijack TZ's account? Lesdoeet
    4. Skater
      We need CTs because we are ****ing trollsome group-joining legends.
    5. The Fish
      The Fish
      Good, please keep this in mind when next time you're about to troll me.

      You agreed to not troll me again and I agree to not fall for it.
    6. The Fish
      The Fish
      Yea, no. The people who start this **** by setting the traps are the ones at fault. People who "set traps" (You/DD/Neo/Pac) are the ones who need to learn a lesson to not be dicks to other people.

      I know it's partly my fault for falling for them but there gets to be this point where it's unbearable. Then I snap and give them a reaction. And stop using Surchin as an example. For all I know this could be false, I want to see proof that Surchin has had my exact same problem.

      You know what I wish would happen? I wish we could just both admit we're at fault. Me for giving in to your traps and you for setting the traps in the first place. And then you can promise to never "troll" me again and I can promise to never fall for the trolling again. And we can all go about our happy little forgehub lives and be friends. Or is it more complicated then that?
    7. The Fish
      The Fish
      Also don't call me kid when we're around the same age. (I'm one year older then you but who's counting.)
    8. The Fish
      The Fish
      ***** please, the point is not that I need to stop falling for your "Traps." It's that you need to stop making them/be punished for making them.

      Your move.
    9. The Fish
      The Fish
      Does it look like my purpose here it to be funny? Well it isn't.

      Sure you say that you didn't join just to troll. But when was the last time you did something besides that? And you said you'd end this, yet you keep going? Nice logic there bud. I'm not here to **** **** up, I'm just trying to enjoy myself without being harassed by people like you. Which by the way you didn't deny.

      Just face it Mocha, you're an unrelenting troll. There is no possible way you could be the bigger man because you, like me, are unable to end this without a fight.
    10. The Fish
      The Fish
      Exactly how are you the bigger man if you're one of the people harassing me in the first place?

      Your logic it terrible, and your general disregard to the forum rules is atrocious. You're only purpose on this site is to **** with people. I don't see why anyone finds you funny/bearable.
    11. ¯\(°_o)/¯
    12. Skater
      The rest are moderated by people who haven't been on in 2 years.
    13. Confused Flamingo
    14. The Fish
      The Fish
      Have you read the Forum Rules or do you just ignore them?
    15. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      While I'm willing to admit that that's part of it, everything I did to you was just a well meant joke, but when you turned hostile I didn't hesitate to tell you what a child you were being.
    16. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Sorry for that. You just really need to learn to butt out of other people's problems, at least until you know more about the issue. You kind of came in acting like you had an understanding of what was going on, and you seemed so eager to play the "good little policeman," that I wanted to make you feel like an ass, if only for a moment.

      I just don't appreciate people doing that, I may have taken things a bit too far. :/

      I'll clean up your VM wall now.
    17. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      Lol, I did that because Berb and I were having a private conversation about an issue that we are both inclined to unite against. Anything that appeared to be an insult between us was a harmless joke between friends. Everything I've said to you (including the acknowledgement of the childish assumption that I thought Berb didn't deserve Loyal) was a poke at the fact that you were probing into private conversations without invitation.

      *Section deleted*
    18. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      *Message Deleted*
    19. Confused Flamingo
      Confused Flamingo
      *Message deleted*
    20. serumembryo
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    Aug 29, 1996 (Age: 28)