Im gonna be online starting at 12:30ish EST today, if you want to jump online and we can take another look at the map.
I was thinking about that map, and i think it should be scaled down. Seeing just how wide open it was didnt sit well with me and there are a few parts I just cant imagine with good looking cover. Just an idea though- take it or leave it. Next time we are both on I'd like to look in to it though.
Hey, You can now already sign up for Round 2 of BIOC. The earlier you sign up the more chance you have to end up in your preferred lobby, so be quick! To stay up to date about BIOC, please visit our social group daily or go and subscribe to it, by clicking on Group Tools and then selecting "Subscribe to this Group". Thanks in advance! On behalf of the BIOC Crew, - REMkings
Sure. I should be on tonight, so send me an invite/ join my party. If we need players I might ask you to help test Scopeless by Cluckinho before/after.
Thank you very much for signing up! However, you should tell which one of the options you choose; option 1 or option 2.
Welcome to the group, you can sign up for our very first round of BIOC here!! But please read this first.
hey man, I'll try to get on latere tonight so you can check out upheld. Hopefully we can get a game of at least 4v4 going or even more would be great too. Done. Make sure to reply so I know you read it.