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Feb 13, 2022 at 4:07 PM
Jul 1, 2011
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Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
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Groningen, Netherlands

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BIOC, Male, from Groningen, Netherlands

Forge Critic Senior Member

I finally have Halo 5! Man, this Forge is confusing. But boy am I looking forward to all the things I'm planning to make! Dec 24, 2015

REMkings was last seen:
Feb 13, 2022
    1. Elliot
      Yeah I know :( Strange because there is quite a few votes on the announcement thread. Yeah good idea, hopefully that will help.
    2. Cryptic Sin
      Cryptic Sin
      Cool. I'll definitely find some favorites once we start playing.

      And I've talked with Ticky. I'm going to co-host with him.
    3. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      alright just send me a message with the name I can find you under
    4. Cryptic Sin
      Cryptic Sin
      I would love to host that weekend, but I have to admit that I'm out of touch with the Infection community's best maps, unlike you guys. I've spent the last year building and then testing my own (Spencer Mansion) rather than playing other's.

      I'd still like to host my own but until I become familiar with other maps, I won't have much variety aside from the multiple gametypes I have on Spencer's Mansion. Maybe I can co-host with Ticky?
    5. Ticky
      Good for them, I'm jealous lol. And do you mean the Sunday before round one or this Sunday?
    6. PA1NTS
      I numbered the hosts I want to play on in order.
    7. PA1NTS
      I dont understand what you mean.. at all. about the hosts? what did I do wrong
    8. Redy
      Did you made a recent version or changes in Blood Bath Bay? Because I'm thinking of adapting it to infection as well. But this would require another completely different layout, because of the weapons and focus on the broader and Team work gameplay.
    9. Ticky
      since your friends not coming over, wanna play some customs??
    10. Redy
      You made the list in google docs? Dude, that's awesome! Much more practical to view and select as well, simply amazing. o.O
    11. Redy
      Alright, I´ll do that, I´ll select some maps too, my particular map is still under development and its too large, I think I'll look for some maps outside the Hub, after I saw some pretty interesting ; and originals lately in some customs.
    12. Ticky
      Glad you got it up :) Now, I am really excited to see who signs up for which lobby hehe :D
    13. Redy
      ;p I think I'll have to co-host with you then, I believe I'll be busy in 2th. Day 4th is on Sunday? I'll see how it will be, best believe I'll be there by 4h pm BET which equals the time of your lobby.
    14. Redy
      Thanks REM! I´m gonna try to Host next friday (24th) by 4h to 6h BET (-3 GMT), I do not know if it will be possible, because I will be in class. But if it goes I will communicate. Dont need to post this in the article, although I dont know what maps I'll play yet. I believe everything will be OK, Especially because everyone has their own free time now. See you soon!
    15. Elliot
      The sign up thread looks great, but there are a couple of problems. There is a formatting error somewhere. Something to do with colour. You should make the format of all of the lobbies the same to make it look more professional. And could you make the rule about having to attend to get your map tested underlined as well, just to make it stand out more.
    16. Oakly HiDef
      Oakly HiDef
      Hey, just glad I could help with the map.

      Things to fix:

      -Limit the shotguns on the map (maybe 3 with 0 clips)
      -Maybe change human secondary weapons to spikers. Not sure the magnums were a huge deal but id rather not have too many headshot weapons lying around.
      -Reduce zombie jump height (maybe 1/2 or 3/4 of what it is now)
      -Reduce human melee damage slightly
      -Reduce the # of rounds by 1. It felt a little long and usually you want to leave people wanting more rather than having them ask for the host to end the game.

      Otherwise everything else played great and I think people had a great time. I look forward to more testing
    17. Elliot
      Nice one :)
    18. Ticky
    19. Ticky
      Ok, invite this guy.
    20. Ticky
      How can I invite someone to the group? Or do you have to do it.
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  • About

    Dec 5, 1992 (Age: 32)
    Home Page:
    Groningen, Netherlands
    REMkings is the xbox account used by the brothers R, E and M.
    I am R, the oldest one, and I'm the one to mostly play Halo and forge stuff and I'm also the owner of this ForgeHub account.

    I'm one of the BIOC staff members, so if you have any questions, feel free to leave me a VM down below. I'm always up for just some casual chitchatting as well so don't be afraid to contact me.
    And in case you were wondering, yes I am that guy called Meesterlijker from YouTube. :p

    Drawing, Sports (Track & Field), Watching Movies, LOTR, and of course Forging are interests of mine.



    My Infection maps:
    Lone Souls in a Lost Mine (FHF) | Deadborough (FHF) | Favela Run (3rd place in HotD3)

    My Flood maps:
    Destitute in Chains (Featured | 2nd place in Insanmiac's BotD) | 8 O'Clock Reminiscence (FHF) | When Running Fails (preview) | Favela Vengeance (preview) | Far from Eden (preview)

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