Its funny because a sloppily forged map probably would have won the Foreign Treasures contest had the map been from a game on the list to choose from. :P Btw, do you even forge bro?
So I drew down 2 pretty cool layouts today. Hope it makes you proud. :P..the fact that I drew them down, that is.
I never said I was done forging, I just meant I'm done forging for the community. I didn't make that clear, I guess. Publicity..Idgaf about it. Self loathing? No, just tired. Ether was just an example. I was saying, since it set the bar so high for 1v1s in the forge community, people will be expecting to see the Taj Mahal on ****ing steroids, from me and from everyone else. They will complain about all 1v1 maps looking the same, that we use the same pieces, ect ect.. I just want to forge without people complaining about the pieces I use or the feel the map has.. I mean, seriously? Catha looks like Lux and Anent? Wow, just wow.
I don't know if I ever explained this to you, but I play xbox 3 different places. My home, my grandparents and my cousins. The latter two have internet good enough for me to play Xbl on, my home, however, does not. So if I ever don't join you, just like a little but ago, that's probably why.
The mixture of laziness, limitations of forge, and the expectations of other forgers to come up with something amazing like Ether, is really discouraging. That's all I've read on the forums lately, is how awesome Ether is. Now, If I try to make a map, people are going to see a piece I use or even the color blue and automatically relate it to Ether, just like they did for ****ing Lux. I'm probably going to release Lune soon and that'll be it. I'm tired of putting up with all of the whiners. I'm hanging up my hat.
I've started a pretty coo' map that I'd like you to take a look at. I think you might be able to throw some suggestions at me or even tell me if there are any problems.
Pretty soon, actually. I played a game on Liquor and had fun. I had fun on Reach. I realized that the game itself isn't too bad. It's the garbage maps we have to deal with. So I said out loud "Somebody needs to drop their balls, and design a map like this". I realized that it would be silly not to at least attempt it after saying that, so I did. I drew about four sketches of four room multi tiered maps, until I was happy with the design. The next day I forged the design very roughly in two hours, just to see the dimensions. I was fairly happy with the product. Played a few games on it and had fun on Reach. I realized that it was too nice of a map not to remake it and put my heart into it, so I did. I finished the beta yesterday and fixed most of the problems from the rough version. It still has some minor issues that I must address before releasing it. So, I have you to thank for reminding me just how beautiful old school map design can be, because of its simplicity.
hey you and isao had some really good insight on my map. I tried to fix some of the problems you both mentioned nd was woundering if you could check it out when u get the chance nd let me kno if the fixes I made help with this. thanx
Hey, havnt talked to you in a while. Just want to tell you that the old map Caia is posted. Thanks for the help along the way with it ;)
Awesome. Just dl'd all those with all my iTunes giftcards. I've been slowly moving backwards album by album, got the The Eminem Show.. possibly my favorite.
Yeah, I've heard and liked all but 3 of those. (Cold Wind Blows, Almost Famous, Seduction.) I meant Bad Meets Evil or whatver...