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Sep 22, 2023 at 3:31 PM
Apr 3, 2009
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Mar 14, 1995 (Age: 30)
Arlington, TX

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Well Known, from Arlington, TX

Senior Member
cluckinho was last seen:
Sep 22, 2023
    1. Charles Stoot
      Charles Stoot
      O sorry about that I will stop sending you messages.
    2. Charles Stoot
      Charles Stoot
      I have a question.

      Is a forge hub member allowed to delete a thread without telling the one who posted the thread.
      And on this thread is a game type.

      Are they allowed to do that.
    3. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      I've got another to do right now and I haven't gotten to play it. You should have pushed Duck to play it last night if you wanted it tested.
    4. Waterfall
      If you will help me send me a MSG over xbl and I'll send you a game invite I am really struggleing with it. My gamer tag is waterfallninja3 there are no caps and no spaces plz help!!! I'm so confused . Or can you just put the game type on your fileshare and tell me what the stool and capture plate in the generators should be set to... They keep turning into golf balls...
    5. Waterfall
      Hey if you remember me I'm the one who asked if I could use your generator mechanics well I've finished the map and it looks great however I am struggleing with the particulars such as to what the camping stool inside should be set to in the game type section and how to set up the goal I have no experience in that game type so I was wondering if you could help me set up the game type and tell me what the camping stool needs to be set to as well as the goal inside the generator???
    6. Orca843
      Want to join the Master Day-Dreams, where you can share your most insane ideas.
    7. FrozenGoathead
      ur mom annoyed me last night
    8. Orca843
      Thanks. Sorry about some of my ideas being so far fetch, but every bodied def of something being cool is different. I just want to see if anyone feels the same about my ideas.
    9. Tedium
      I'm simply making sure that it's quality over quantity.
    10. Skisma
      Lmao! I could have sworn that video was the OP.
    11. Skisma
      Didn't have a description.
    12. Black Theorem
      Black Theorem
      Not necessary, bro. Next time, just report it.
    13. Zatherla
      TZ punished me.
    14. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Yes. I dont know when though
    15. Grif
      Arlington? I'm from Fort Worth
    16. CAPNxXxCANT
      I'll be playin battlefield until like 1:30 or so if you wanna get on right now
    17. cluckinho
      yeah I'll be on at like 9
    18. CAPNxXxCANT
      After I eat and what not
    19. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      Is there a recommended ammount of players? We played it yesterday, and the first 5 seconds of the game, it decided to switch host and no one had hologram =\. We'll try it again, but you should try to see if there is some way to kill youself in case it switches host (which it does a lot at random times).
    20. Darth Human
      Darth Human
      If you make a thread for it, I can take a look at it. If everyone seems to like it, we'll feature it.
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  • About

    Mar 14, 1995 (Age: 30)
    Arlington, TX


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