Oakly HiDef
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Mar 15, 2013 at 10:34 PM
Jun 22, 2008
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"I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" -Ronald M

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Oakly HiDef

RivalMass, from Washington

Senior Member
Oakly HiDef was last seen:
Mar 15, 2013
    1. REMkings
      Okay thanks!
      I think I will keep the magnums for now, maybe I can remove them later if the headshots turn out to be a major issue. In our game I didn't see it happen a lot. If I were to remove the magnums, I could add the spikers but I guess I'll just leave it to ARs only then, because otherwise they have a whole lot of ammo.

      Yeah you're right about the rounds, a single round takes to long to keep it at 5.

      And about the further testing, so do I :D
    2. REMkings
      Anyway, I had a blast testing my map with you and I think your newest map is great, I loved the scary moments when you were with your back against the wall shooting all the zombies with your AR. Thanks to you this has now been put in my map as well so thanks a lot!
      But what were the needed changes again?
      - Remove some shotguns
      - Lower the jump height of the zombies a little bit (but not too much)
      - Melee of the humans is a little too strong at the moment, maybe just set it back to 100%. (although it was kind of fun to see the dead zombie flying through the air now :P)
      - ... ?

      Hopefully we can another game going soon
    3. REMkings
      Sorry for the sudden leaving, my internet connection was cut off :(
      We have been having that issue a lot lately
    4. REMkings
      Are you online already?
    5. REMkings
      Just found out that I have the time. I'll be on in 5-10 minutes :D
    6. REMkings
      I will try, I think I could.
    7. REMkings
      By now I found out that indeed it wasn't going to work for you to get on the xbox at 3 AM :P
      So you can forget about that suggestion of mine down below and hopefully we'll meet at 7 PM if I can arrange that
    8. REMkings
      Today I can try to get online at 7 PM but I can't promise it's going to happen for sure.
      If not, we have to find another date for now. Do you go to church?
    9. REMkings
      k bye :)

      A suggestion: I can hop online exactly when I am ready to get on the xbox which will be 12 PM. If you're online as well within 10 minutes (somewhere between 12:00 PM and 12:10 PM) I assume we can get a game going. If not, I'll check again later or so, we'll see. But if you could please get online at 3 AM on ForgeHub (not xbox, forgehub first). --> That's easier for me to check ;)
    10. REMkings
      12 and 2 PM for me obviously ;)
    11. REMkings
      10:30 PM.
      Tomorrow I have time between 12 PM and 2 PM but after that I really have to leave since I got to get to school. 12 PM is best for me.
      Otherwise then 12-2 I could also get online at night like I said, but this has my preference

      By the way I have to go, speak to you tomorrow. If there's something really important just say it now please
    12. REMkings
      Okay, but still, could you try to get on tomorrow at 3?
      I know it will be difficult but it would help me out quite a bit.

      If you really don't want to or just can't do it, then of course I understand. In that case I will try and get online tomorrow night
    13. REMkings
      Yes but it says I don't have enough rights or something
    14. REMkings
      Could you tell me how to do that? I never tried before
    15. REMkings
      lol if only I had a capture card, a neat microphone, enough time and enough public I should also start a YouTube channel to showcase my maps :P
      But whatever, having little time on the xbox doesn't stop me from forging maps and I will keep spamming you with infection maps in the future if you don't mind ;)
      I'm getting into forging infection maps next to minigames more and more, partially because of your maps

      And unfortunately that is not going to work for me today anymore.
      But could you get online tomorrow at 3 AM (your timezone)?

      Oh and for the record where do you live? Washington as in the state, right?
    16. REMkings
      Reason why I don't really have that much time during the weeks is because my parents rather see me use my time for school other than to hang out on the xbox. Especially since it wouldn't really be fair to my brothers if I could play on the xbox and they couldn't

      (I have quite some freetime nowadays because I failed my exams last year and only have to re-do the subjects I didn't pass, which is the small amount of 4)
    17. REMkings
      Huh? I thought you lived in Washington D.C.! I'm sorry, I always imagined you would "live" at 2 PM when it was 8 PM in the Netherlands but apparently it's 3 hours earlier.. :S
      Timezones are difficult.

      Anyway, tomorrow I only have time at 12 PM my timezone which is 3 AM at yours. Then I have about 1 hour but then I already have to go due to school.
      Do you think that could work?

      But.. in case that won't work for you I could try to get it done at about 6 PM central european time which would be sometime in the morning for you. I highly prefer 12 PM though but we'll see if we can meet
    18. REMkings
      np you couldn't have known so it's not your fault

      It think it would be a neat idea to pick a certain date when we promise each other to be around. Then we have some time checking my map out in Forge, and then playing a (few) game(s) on it afterwards. Then you can tell me again what you think and if more tweaking if necessary. If not, we can try to pick another date on which we could play my map for a feature in case you think it is good enough to end up on THFE. The reason why I don't want to do a testing and a feature lobby at the same day is because I was actually hoping I could get this one guy with me in the lobby. He watches your videos as well and he has been very kind to me playing my maps and never let me down by always bringing things in a positive way. This would be my way of thanking him ;)
    19. REMkings
      I don't have skype but I can try and get it, I'll see.
      Maybe if you're really busy next time try to let me know in time so I don't have to wait on the xbox while my parents actually want me to stop and come downstairs ;)
    20. REMkings
      Aagh, I see you were online on ForgeHub 15 minutes ago but I JUST left the xbox !!
      If you could try to be online 1 hour earlier next week (Friday or Sunday) things should definitely be alright. Too bad we just missed each other this time..
      I know this may be hard for you since it's 1 PM but I'm expected to share some time with my family in the evenings in the weekend so I can't hang out on the xbox all night long ;)
      Eventually we'll get this game going, I feel it :D
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    "I am become Death, destroyer of worlds" -Ronald M
    Oakley HiDef



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