Cryptic Sin
Last Activity:
Dec 5, 2012 at 10:15 AM
Oct 14, 2010
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Cryptic Sin

Forerunner, from New York

Cryptic Sin was last seen:
Dec 5, 2012
    1. REMkings
      Cryptic would you like to host during the first Round of BIOC? Then please visit the BIOC Staff group as soon as you can!!
    2. REMkings
      Oh I didn't mean to say you sounded ignorant to me, not at all, I was just hoping out loud that we can already do some great things with BIOC before Halo 4 comes out :D
      I noticed you visited the group, indeed, tomorrow I will post the official host template thread where everyone can leave their times and dates of hosting. So if you can fill it in as soon as possible once it's up that would be great so I can post the sign up thread some earlier.
      For maps, tips, rules, suggestions and other important things you should check out the other threads ;)
    3. REMkings
      Yeah, that's right, we should definitely try to get this going on in Halo 4 but you know, that's still such a long time, we've got all summer next to get BIOC to become greater and greater in Reach!
      I'm very glad to have you in the crew now
    4. REMkings
      Finally! You replied.
      I would love to add you to the staff, after all you're the one who invented the term "survival horror infection" (together with Ticky, I think?). Please join us and help BIOC become as big as possible. I trust your expertise when it comes to infection maps, you would make a perfect host
    5. Ticky
      If you have the time, maybe you could become part of the staff and host with us.
    6. Ticky
      Hey I posted a little thread in the customs lobby to try and get some more people.
    7. Ticky
      Alright I will! I will also be hosting Infection only(Survival) Custom Lobbies soon. This could be awesome.
    8. Ticky
      Hey I joined your Survival infection group. I was thinking we would have like "Infection Only" custom nights and get as many people as possible to play.
    9. The Muppet King
      The Muppet King
      No Hope by Rifte. This is the Left 4 Dead map I was talking about.
    10. Kittenpaste Company
      Kittenpaste Company
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