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Sep 12, 2018 at 9:22 PM
May 14, 2010
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Forerunner, Male, from Ohio

Senior Member

Hey. Feb 4, 2016

Ticky was last seen:
Sep 12, 2018
    1. REMkings
      9 people voting for absolutely awesome!! hell yeah
    2. REMkings
      lol I'm flattered your bio says "BIOC host" :'D
    3. REMkings
      No don't worry I will create a new thread in the staff group when everyone has to send in his template. I don't think it will already happen today but otherwise tomorrow. Deadline then would be sometime next Weekend, Sunday or so. And then I can post the sign up thread next Monday, giving the readers exactly one week of signing up. If I manage to get all host submissions before Sunday I can also post the sign up thread earlier.
    4. REMkings
      Maybe Redy can create some sort of epic banner using some text and this picture:

      He said he knows his way around in Fotoshop and such and he already stated that he would like to do such a thing. So that should work if he creates a banner for us so every member can put it in his signature.
    5. REMkings
      Thanks, I will if I can think of something. Oh, I do know one thing you can do for me already: getting BIOC popular and well known ;)

      So if you know anyone (besides Cryptic, I'm still waiting for him to respond) who would like to play BIOC (not host, intrinsically) then let me know so I can invite them to the group!
    6. REMkings
      Okay I will. btw the reply I was talking about was in the BIOC staff group
    7. REMkings
      something got messed up but my reply got merged in my previous comment ;)
    8. REMkings
      Other than Cryptic I'm also hoping Redy93 will join the staff. But oddly enough he hasn't visited neither ForgeHub nor Xbox for over 5 days, although he usually does take a look at both every once in a while.
      I guess we'll have to host the first rounds without them, but they can always be added to the staff later
    9. REMkings
      Do you know if there's some way to contact Cryptic? He still hasn't replied to my PMs yet and I think he would do a great job if we could add him to the staff
    10. REMkings
      Announcement thread in the Halo: Reach General Discussion forum, actual BIOC Round 1 thread in the Customs Lobby.
      People can talk about BIOC in the Announcement thread, and sign up and post their maps in the Customs Lobby thread.
      By the way are you on the xbox right now? I am. ;)
    11. REMkings
      Tell all your friends on the xbox who love Infection about it and explain what it is, as well as people on ForgeHub. I will do some promoting myself on ForgeHub by posting an announcement thread the other day, in which I will explain everything, introduce the hosts, put links to the social group and maybe to your forum if you want, and refer to a thread in the Customs lobby which I will post as well, where everybody will be able to sign up and submit their maps for the first rounds. I will come back to this later, but do you already have a clue if you could possibly host on some days during the next two, three weeks? I haven't yet decided when the first customs will be run but maybe we could already start next week. If so that would be great
    12. REMkings
      This BIOC event of mine is pretty similar to the Survival Infection games, a difference being that BIOC will be announced more frequently / earlier before the actual date of the lobby's, and will require specific sign-ups and map submissions and such because there are multiple hosts and times. So yeah, that forum should definitely get more popular and I think I will sign up. :)
    13. REMkings
      Any day, any week. It's all up to the hosts.
      In my conception there will be more than one lobby per round with multiple hosts, and the readers can pick a host for themselves so there won't have to be any problems with timezones.
      If we're lucky we might already be able to start this weekend or so.
    14. REMkings
      And is it that map w/ the well you're talking about? I'd love to see the changes, b/c I don't know if you can remember but we had a game going on that map together a few months ago.
    15. REMkings
      Thanks a lot man, I appreciate that!
      Okay, I'll wait for Cryptic to respond to this as well as the other people I sent this to (a total of 14) and if I have gathered enough people to join in and maybe already host some lobby's I'll inform you guys some more and post a thread, I have yet to figure out where (Is there an Announcements Lobby or st?) but in this thread I will explain some more about this event to the readers and maybe even already give away some days and times on when the first customs could begin!
      By that time I'll ask the "crew" members to send me some possible days they could host this and then I'll add that to the thread as well, or have them post threads in the Customs lobby. But that will all come in place, first I will try to get enough people to help me with this event. But I'm very grateful that you (and hopefully Cryptic too) are willing to help me out!
    16. Skyward Shoe
      Skyward Shoe
      Please sign up for the Noble Nights Custom Games Night this Saturday. We'll be playing some great games on the Noble Map Pack, so sign up!
    17. Cryptic Sin
      Cryptic Sin
      Great! I've been busy today so thanks for helping out.
    18. Cryptic Sin
      Cryptic Sin
      Yup! It's gonna happen soon. I've been busy catching up with friends this past week but I should be getting something together for after Christmas.

      Spread the word to any mature, fun-but-can-play-serious players that would be down for this. Aside from my map/survival infection, these customs will be for traditional Infection (Zombies vs. Humans) and no Infection "mini-games."

      Forward the Survival Infection group to the kind of players described if you can, please!
    19. NlBBS
      I dont know what the **** that is.
    20. NlBBS
      What do you have in mind?
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  • About

    Graphic Designer
    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Ticky IV
    Puzzles, Smaller Slayer maps, Infection





    Animus ~ Boka